I've only had a couple of bowls. Too early to tell. It's not one of those blends that shouts, buy more.Some more Dunhills to try - 965 and Light Virginia Flake
Doc, how would you describe the Oriental Samsun?
Is that 965? I've never heard of 967. Maybe it's two steps better than 965.The Dunhill 967 came today and I immediately packed a bowl. WOW - Stevie likes!
Similar in flavor to Nightcap but more nutty and a bit stronger. Like Nightcap, it has almost no bite and burns perfect right to the bottom. Perfect moisture content.
One is heading out to Dan tomorrow with a tag-along or two.
I'm still working with JM Boswell on my birthday pipe. It's not quite right, but it will be amazing once it's finished. By the way, they're updating their site tomorrow. :whistling:
Yes, you caught that typo.Is that 965? I've never heard of 967. Maybe it's two steps better than 965.
If it's 965, it is very good. I like it better than Nightcap.
I just wanted to make sure there wasn't a new blend I was missing out on.Yes, you caught that typo.Is that 965? I've never heard of 967. Maybe it's two steps better than 965.
If it's 965, it is very good. I like it better than Nightcap.
I still like it, whatever it's called. I got a chance to try the other tin I bought - Dunhill Light Flake Virginia. Also enjoyed it. Both of these were easy on the bite wit great flavor.
The pipe above is really good looking.
Yesterday, I bought 8 oz. of Exotique from Smoker's Haven--it has more Latakia (Cyprian) and orientals than their Our Best Blend (which has Syrian Latakia and more Virginias). Excellent one-two punch.
While there the owner gave me a sample of GBD tobacco from the 1950s. Somehow they still have about a half pound left. It has a cognac aroma to it. I'd had just read a reference to GBD tobacco in one of Hacker's books and now I can try some. I wonder what a 50 year old tobacco will be like. It was still moist.
I'm going to let my palate rest a bit before trying it.
Remember, if your going to smoke flakes, small pipes are best.I took Doc's advice about an Escudo alternative and ordered the St James Woods.
I threw in some SG St. James Flake for comparison and the Macbaren HH Matured Virginia sounded interesting at $10/100g, too.
I'm starting to get a collection!Now I need to work on the pipes.
Why is that?Remember, if your going to smoke flakes, small pipes are best.I took Doc's advice about an Escudo alternative and ordered the St James Woods.
I threw in some SG St. James Flake for comparison and the Macbaren HH Matured Virginia sounded interesting at $10/100g, too.
I'm starting to get a collection!Now I need to work on the pipes.