I pack up some cigars every morning, usually 12-15. I smoke about 6, but always have some on hand to share.
Wow, I want your cigar budget! I'd spend about a fifth on cigars and the rest on B.B.S...
Beer, Bourbon, and Scotch.:thumbs:
On the ship? Would it be too personal for me to ask you what kind of work you do?Juanote said:Aboard ship I try to limit myself to a cigar with a couple of cups o' joe every other night, though I sometimes smoke two days in a row. At home it depends, some days none or 1 after dinner with scotch, golf days 1 cigar no libation (I don't generally drink when I golf... blasphemy I know), playing cards 1 or 2 cigars with scotch usually, days when we entertain 2 to 3 cigars with or without libation. I try not to smoke every day for health reasons and to foster friendly relations with the missus.
There are a half a dozen ponds and streams within 10 min of my office. Spring time it's trout, summer it's bass, bluegill and an occasional pike. I carry a travel rod on the bike and stop if the spot looks good.chiefmd said:Fishing? Where do you work?
First world problems...broblues said:I cant smoke on the zero turn, I need both hands to steer.
I considered a zero turn until I realized I wouldn't be able to smoke while mowing.broblues said:I cant smoke on the zero turn, I need both hands to steer.