Whats with all the spam?

That actually would have cool stuff for kids being raised in the 50's and 60's. And Spam was a staple in many homes during that time. I wish I had $1 for every fried Spam sammich I ate growing up.
I've seen a pretty serious uptick in spam, across the board, including email.
I don't know enough about the technology to hazard a guess, but I suspect the spammers might have found a weak spot.

We never had Spam growing up, although we did have "Spiced Ham" from Boar's Head, which I liked.
I bought some Spam once, thinking it might be similar. It was somewhat similar, but less flavorful. , The amount of fat was off putting. I know a guy who loves Spam and Jelly sandwiches. I'm too scared to try it.
Every time the subject of Spam comes up I must profess my love of spam musubi. if it wasn't for the carbs, I'd eat it all the time.
I love Spam masubi -- I wish I didn't have to go all the way to Hawaii to buy them. Actually, just about anything that has Spam in it is good in my book.