To me, mine is symbolic in a number of ways...
First, my career is masonry and stonework so in some ways it represents my work. Its a saying that I can actually "feel". Setting a stone and knowing that what I had just hand chiseled and set in place could last a lifetime, 100s of years if I'm your lucky enough...
Second, with that being said, the saying "set in stone" became a way of life for me. Every conversation you have, as insignificant as you may think, may resonate with someone else and they will carry those words for a lifetime. Decisions you make, could forever change a person's or many peoples lives. Our daily routines, by the end of the day, are forever set in stone, and can never be taken back. Making sure to approach each day,each stone carved, with importance, and passion. It's imperative that we individually learn from our past and try to improve for the our future. Hopefully, at the end of all it all, you have left something of value, and substance that can be shared/carried on by future generations...