What's the meaning of your CP name?

Billy Paultz aka "The Whopper" = Professional Basketball Player

This was a nickname I was given when I played basketball as apparently I reminded my teammates of him.

Quote from wikpedia:

Although Paultz moved with a bulky stiffness, he was a very heady player.

My teammates were jerks. :(
Billy Paultz aka "The Whopper" = Professional Basketball Player

This was a nickname I was given when I played basketball as apparently I reminded my teammates of him. Quote from wikpedia:

Although Paultz moved with a bulky stiffness, he was a very heady player.

My teammates were jerks. :(

What kind of team concerned itself with your 'bulky stiffness'? Oh wait, you went to the Citadel where men wear feathers on a daily basis. Got it.
I took it from an episode of the short lived "Frisky Dingo"

Mine has to be pretty easy to figure out but if not. I started it when I was home brewing with Peat smoked grains. Plus I like Single Malt Scotch. :laugh:
First initial with with last name. My memory sucks.
Well this is quite the thread.

My name came from the fact that I dated a man who smoked cigars and taught me about the finest of them. When we stopped dating I decided I was Notaquitter.
Mind is code for a multitude of other names which I am not legally known by...
Mine is a play on words... "Flam" and "Lamb Chop."

A Flam is a drumming rudiment, and you know what a lamb chop is I hope! And from the expression to have good "chops" at dumming or anything else for that matter.

It's used a lot in drumming and it's also stolen from the title of a warm up used by a drum corps but it's been so long now I can't remember which one haha!
I'll give you 3 guesses where I got mine. I'm about as original as they come :sign: