What's on your plate today?

I've been traveling for the past few weeks, and I binged a bunch of cooking shows while I was gone, so when I got home I decided to make something nice for the wifey. At the airport I saw a ten minute video on how to make a chicken ballotine, and after a quick trip to the grocery store I decided it would me tonight's menu. It took more than ten minutes, but Mrs_Nihon was happy with the results. Chicken ballotine with mushroom puree. It's a whole chicken, that you debone and wrap in the skin after pounding the breast meat thin and making mousse out of the dark meat. It was more complicated than I anticipated, but I'm glad I did it. I have ideas for how to do better next time!View attachment 66845
Rob, I feel bad that I spent a day with you and never knew what you were capable of as far as culinary skills! I would probably have picked your brain a little.:cool:
Yum! It the mousse what is under the main course?
No, the mousse is in the middle of the ballotine. I didn't get the breast thin enough, so there wasn't much room for it. I'll do better next time! Under the chicken is the mushroom cream.

Here's the recipe. I skipped the parsley oil. He makes a stock from the bones but doesn't use it in the dish, so I turned it into natural gravy.

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Getting home at 8 pm and thawing a frozen steak in warm water to throw a dinner together. Turned out damn nice! Cast iron pan fried ribeye steak, mixed vegetables, and wild/cheesy rice with spinach. Love it when a thrown together dinner turns out awesome!
Chicken mousse with veggies. I didn't know what to do with the leftover chicken & mushroom farce I made for the chicken ballotine a few nights ago, and since it was no longer a stuffing it couldn't be a farce anymore. I wrapped the remaining mousse (which is what the farce really was) in cling wrap in the form of a sausage, and boiled it for about 12 minutes, then sauteed it in butter for a few minutes to brown it. While it was boiling, I sauteed mushrooms, added zucchini "pasta" to it, then tossed in steamed asparagus. No recipe, just thinking about flavors and tasting as I went. I was pretty happy with the end product. Not your mamma's leftovers!

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Made Chicken Marsala last Saturday. This was my 3rd time trying this and was by far the best yet. Both other times I didn't have enough gravy and the1st time the chicken was over cooked. I doubled up on the liquids this time and it made plenty of gravy. I also turned up the heat to sear the beasts so they were not anywhere near done when they went into the masala gravy.
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Made Chicken Marsala last Saturday. This was my 3rd time trying this and was by far the best yet. Both other times I didn't have enough gravy and the1st time the chicken was over cooked. I doubled up on the liquids this time and it made plenty of gravy. I also turned up the heat to sear the beasts so they were not anywhere near done when they went into the masala gravy.
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That looks great!
Made Chicken Marsala last Saturday. This was my 3rd time trying this and was by far the best yet. Both other times I didn't have enough gravy and the1st time the chicken was over cooked. I doubled up on the liquids this time and it made plenty of gravy. I also turned up the heat to sear the beasts so they were not anywhere near done when they went into the masala gravy.
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Do your recipe call for cooking sherry along with the Marsala wine?

If not, I'd like to see your recipe Tom.