Whatcha Smokin' Lately?

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Had a PAM Millennium this past weekend. The first weekend in a while that I've not smoked an island. The guys at the shop couldn't believe it. I walked in with the Sherman full of islands and pulled out a PAM and smoked it instead. LOL
Side note: I'd totally agree with you Devin, the El Principe is the best vitola of the San Cristobal line. The others were just too mild and one-sided to my tastes.
Thinking about either a 4 year old Lusi for later this week or another of my few and far between Epi #2's from 1996.
Been on a Cammie kick here of late...well since my return to the states that is...so the HdM 1066 and Vegas de Fonseco are two new cigars that I have had several of lately!
Attended a cigar dinner last night in honor of a good friend who had passed away in November. Started with a ERDM FdL Maduro on the way over to the dinner. At the dinner smoked a Don Carlos #4, La Luna Maduro Fuerte Tornado, and a ISOM Monty #2 that my friend had given me about three years ago.It was a good evening, about 25 cigar smokers gathered together to remember a friend over good cigars, good food and drinks. Joe would have loved it.
Smoking the new RyJ Piramide right now, I believe it to be the same size as the Monte No. 2, 61/8x52. Outstanding, quality cigar, that will only get better with age, IMHO.  Now, back to the playoffs!
Enjoyed a Monte #5 before the Giants game. Celebrated their victory with a AF Cuban Belicoso Sungrown. A great day:biggrin:
Just finished smoking a LaLuna Maduro Fuerte Belicoso and it was great. The cigar was a dark maduro and box pressed. It burned great and had lots of flavor and spicieness. I smoked it to the nub and didn't want to put it out. First one I have tried and I have to find more.
Had a Leon Jiminez last night. I am still trying different single brands. I liked it. It was the shape of a cone. What do you call this shape? Debbie
Just finished a Fuente BTL given to
me for Christmas by my cigar dealer.
Got the fireplace going, listening to Ray Charles, and sipping some Macallan 25 single malt scotch. Last, but certainly not least by a far cry, smoking a VR Don Alejandro, with about a year of age on this beauty. Strong flavorful cigar, that would not hurt with a bit more aging, but I am not complaining. Wish I had a few CP members here to enjoy these with me. Have a good night everybody.
Had an Excalibur #1 Maduro and a RyJ Pyramid today. Yesterday had a AF 858 maduro.
uh oh, i always seem to fire up an excalibur right after bill does. guess i know what's for tomorrow! must be subliminal suggestion. tonight, had a la aurora preferidos 1903 no. 2 <one of THOSE names>, and just finished a perdomo reserve rosado no. 2.
I had my first Mayargo(I think thats how its spelled) carona box pressed, or at least it looked like a boxed pressed. All thanks to some one in my pass, and I thank you alot that was an exelent full flavored smoke.:)
Just finished a E. Cruz maduro called
a Short Cruz. It was an add on to
a private pass. It is a good looking
and well made gar with a nice shiny
wrapper. If you get a chance to try
one, I'll bet you will like it. I was
short cruz? that's funny. my last smoke was a puros indios pyramide no. 2, compliments of secret santa. how much mint flavor is that blue dragon packing there, mel?
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