While you may not know how to verbalize what you like, you understand the characteristics you like in your sticks. I would recommend that you read through the review section on here, looking for those same characteristics. Also talk to the guys at your local cigar shop, and tell them what cigars you have enjoyed, they should be able to recommend similar cigars.
Lastly, it's been said several times, but let me offer it up again, the newbie trade sampler. IF you choose to participate you are going to most likely get a wide range of cigars to smoke, and you will find ones you like that you didn't know you liked. When you sign up for the newbie sampler, most likely you will be asked what cigars you have liked so far, and they will try to match up what they send you with what you already like. It also gives you the chance to match up with an experienced member here, that probably wouldn't mind you bouncing some questions off of them to get to know this great hobby better.