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What is your last will?

Perhaps a Viking Funeral. Put me in my fishing boat surrounded by my collection :laugh:

Actually My wife smokes some but my stash doesn't smell like Berries so she probably won't want it.

We do have Wills courtesy of my Lawyer. As some of you know my wife has incurable cancer and he made up two basic wills designating where our kids go, etc. He also did a living will for my wife. All was done for free due to my wife's health. It was a gift from my lawyer and his wife.

Will have to discuss this with the wife..... A good topic. Dare I mention here that while you are thinking of getting your finances in order you might also consider getting your soul in order.
I'm hoping that my wife's second husband has more money to take care of her, and more time to enjoy my stash.

I'll just have to put in my will that my wife is required to keep the humidity and temp right and do regular checks for pests...freeloading friends excluded :laugh:
i think instead of ashes, I'd like Jonas to spread some maltese falcon tobacco leaves into the platte river, hah.
Gave my wife instructions to contact three of my friends. Jonesy, Cigarstone, and Infinity (oddly enough). I told her that they would know what I would want to happen to them all.
LOL, Julie knows that all of mine go to you.
I think I will have to talk to Kelli ( my better half) about this. In my mind, they all make the long journey back to Texas where Jeff has his way with them before starting a pass with 1/2 and sending the other 1/2 to the troops.

Of course, I still need to let Jeff now about this......

I'm not sure anyone person could catalog and disperse the cigars i own. Of course i do have seven brothers that would come and congregate like bees to honey, but they wouldn't know what they would be looking at. I'll have to do some thinking about this, it has to be done right. :cool:

I'll tell you what...if you were to kick the bucket I would make a good home for your smokes.
me... screw you guys! every last one of them is going into my casket and I'm getting cremated with them... my last smoke.


Lol thats awesome Swissy. I was just thinking about passing them out till I read this, screw everyone else mine are getting cremated with me!
I am still young enough to be invincible. *cough*

My collection is rather small, so I would just send it to a couple of mates who enjoy a good cigar.
In all seriousness, my wife knows that all of my cigars go to Josh (Napa_Smokes), no matter what. He'll know what to sell to give the proceeds to my wife, and he already knows which ones I have that are especially for him and all of that. He also knows which smokes are to give away to certain members on the board, etc.

It is nice having a good friend... ;)
As I mentioned in the other thread, my cigars are specifically named in my will, with a designated caretaker of them. I also have insurance set up to make sure my wife and family are taken care of.

It's not pleasant to think about, but planning for your exit from the world is the last ultimate act of caring you can bestow on those around you.
I want to be dead before my wife finds out what my stock pile is worth, so I will not be talking to her about it. After 25 years with her I have faith that she’ll give them out to the few smokers that I play golf and poker with. At this age I treat them like my old work tools; something to be played with and not profited off of.
I'm sure my wife would simply give them to my dad and brother.
Wow I have never really thought it about it. In all reality I would love for them to be stored kept in good shape until my son was old enough to enjoy them kind of a way to remember dad. But then again who knows if he will go up to be a smelly cigar smoker like dad.

In all reality I would love to go in the hole with small box of ones that have meaning to me. maybe three in my breast pocket of my suit. The rest will probably get given to my fishing and hunting friends who I herf with. And a few to some Brothers on CP. I should really sit down and write this all up for the wife. rp
My smokes belong to my Revocable Living Trust, which in turn benefits my wife. In the event something happens to me, she's to get with a BOTL friend of mine to liquidate them properly. Between the humidor and the smokes, it could probably pay for a funeral. I'd love to donate them, but if she needs to sell them, she's the most important person.

Maybe one day I'll have a boy who smokes cigars with me. When he becomes of proper age and maturity, he will become the beneficiary. By then there will be some 30 year old smokes in there!
What a bunch of optimists. Unless your fortunate enough to drop dead, chances are your doctor will make you quit smoking long before you die.

There is a note conspicuously placed in my humi.

"In the event of my death please ship humidor and contents to:

Joe M
Rio Rancho NM

Please pack carefully."

We had an agreement several years ago and I figured, what the hell, I intend to outlive the bastard.
