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What is your last will?


Das Bruce
Jan 18, 2006
It has become more obvious lately that we're all mortal. I know of one other thread on this, perhaps more, but I think we need a fresh discussion. What will your wife/family do with your collection if you meet your untimely demise?

My brother died without a will with a substantial estate and 2 kids in college. Thankfully, probate IS reasonable, although they get their "cut" of his estate. A few months back, I consulted an estate and finacial planning pro. It cost me $3K, but its the best money I've spent in a long time. I got a huge notebook of "what ifs" as well as a place to document everything I want. So, even Uncle Sam is thwarted through the use of trusts and such. Lawyers, you know. Point is, I'm in control.

The real point of this post, however, is what happens to your cigars? Many of your wives are going to round file your stash. Most of mine go to Smitty/OpFTH. A few select are set aside in my "uber" box and those go to my local Brothers. What happens to yours if you kick the bucket tomorrow?
My wife calls you and Jonas to deal with them. Simple enough :D
Cheapest and most efficient way I plan on making a will, is a living will. I took a class on this topic, I much rather have my future wife make all the decisions and such. I know there are will out there that people write up the what if scenarios but really how can you prepare for your ultimate end. I much rather have someone that loves me like my future wife does, to make all the big decisions if something would happen to me.


edit to add: As far as the cigars go, Ill make sure she either gives them to my Dad or give them out here on CP :D
It has become more obvious lately that we're all mortal. I know of one other thread on this, perhaps more, but I think we need a fresh discussion. What will your wife/family do with your collection if you meet your untimely demise?

My brother died without a will with a substantial estate and 2 kids in college. Thankfully, probate IS reasonable, although they get their "cut" of his estate. A few months back, I consulted an estate and finacial planning pro. It cost me $3K, but its the best money I've spent in a long time. I got a huge notebook of "what ifs" as well as a place to document everything I want. So, even Uncle Sam is thwarted through the use of trusts and such. Lawyers, you know. Point is, I'm in control.

The real point of this post, however, is what happens to your cigars? Many of your wives are going to round file your stash. Most of mine go to Smitty/OpFTH. A few select are set aside in my "uber" box and those go to my local Brothers. What happens to yours if you kick the bucket tomorrow?

You must be a mind reader. I have been thinking the same thing for weeks now and its especially a concern for me becasuse I am not married. So what will the girlfriend or mother "decide" to do with my stash. I guess if made some more cigar smoking friends it would be a lot easier on them but who the hell needs that while they are living (just more moochers). :laugh:
If my wife got the details or knew the size of my collection then I would be a dead man!

But in all seriousness, estate planning, even a simple will, is very necessary even if you don't think you need one because you're single or you don't have lots of $$, or whatever the excuse. A basic will does not cost very much and is easy to complete. If you have kids or any amount of net worth then it is something that you absolutely ought to have.
As far as cigars go I like the idea of a death pass, using whatever money I have left to cover the shipping around the country.
Wait, did I see somewhere in this thread that we lawyers are actually useful for something?!?! :laugh:

That being said, my twenty page or so will has everything that I could ever think about inside it. I have specific bequests for stuff like my cd collection, smoking jacket, poker chips, pornography, and, yes, any and all tobacco products.

Bruce is right, it is better to be in control.
Mine is simple - a big old fashioned wake where my ENTIRE stash will be offered. Caveat is ALL cigars must be smoked by the end of the wake, nothing to be esent out or saved. That means y'all are invited AND have a vested interest in my demise. ;) BTW - Matt's in charge of this part of my estate. :0
Easy, Death Pass.

I've instructed my friends that if I kick off at young age, to party hard at my funeral.

What happens to the rest of my belongings is inconsequential.
Gave my wife instructions to contact three of my friends. Jonesy, Cigarstone, and Infinity (oddly enough). I told her that they would know what I would want to happen to them all.
The cigars will be placed in packages of 10 and sent to several members of CP with the exception of 1 PAM Exclusivo (that goes with me). TheKids© get a pipe of their choosing and the rest go to CP members along with the tobacco. I've left instructions for TheWife© on creating an account and how to handle it all.

If for some reason CP isn't around TheBoy© gets it all or it all goes up in smoke with me.
If I go early I'm pretty sure my father and father in law will fight it out for my cigars. At least I know I'll be smiling wherever I am watching that.
What really put this into perspective for me was a quote I read on CF some time back. This gentleman wrote, "My greatest fear is that after I die, my wife will sell my cigars for what I told her I paid for them."

Although it was meant as a joke, after reading that and thinking about it for a while, I put their distribution into my will.

This a great topic to refresh periodically...'Search' does not do this justice and may be worthy of a sticky.

A very sobering thought on the heels of Brian's passing. If Bruce feels anything like me, when guys our age loose one of our contemporaries, it shakes our world a bit and provokes a lot of reflection.

Whenever this occurs, it's an unpleasant reminder of the reality that we have more years behind us than in front.
I'd like to take a Liga Privada down in the hole with me. My wife would probably smoke all of the "pretty" ones.
I'm embarrased to say that I've never thought about it. Invincible, you know. Not that my collection is noteworthy either. At this point, I guess they would come under the heading of 'all my worldly possessions' which would pass on to my family, none of whom enjoy or even tolerate cigars.

This gives me something to think about.
Gave my wife instructions to contact three of my friends. Jonesy, Cigarstone, and Infinity (oddly enough). I told her that they would know what I would want to happen to them all.

My sentiments exactly.

Maybe you guys could set up something.
No more trusted Broithers on the site.
I would have instructions to have them shipped tou guys like you.
As a matter of fact. I think I will tell the appropriate people today
My cigar collection is not that big but it is very meaningful to me. Now I need to let my family know that my friend Tom is in charge of the cigars. I am working on a living will that will state the he must put a pass together and let everyone enjoy in my cigars. :thumbs:
I'm not sure anyone person could catalog and disperse the cigars i own. Of course i do have seven brothers that would come and congregate like bees to honey, but they wouldn't know what they would be looking at. I'll have to do some thinking about this, it has to be done right. :cool:
me... screw you guys! every last one of them is going into my casket and I'm getting cremated with them... my last smoke.
