What is your favorite smoke at and end of a crappy day of work?

I usually stare at (into) my humidor for waaaaay too long...then finally make a choice...mix up a good drink...or grab a nice cold Leffe Blonde...and head to the deck!

I find that I usually end up with a Cohiba Red Dot, Hoyo, or a nice CAO or Vegas 5 Maduro...but whatever I pick...it is usually a larger ring (like a good torpedo or pyramide)...my favorites!

See...I can't decide even as I type this! ???
I would have to say after a long tuff day or driving I sit back in my sleeper and enjoy a Hoyo De Monterrey Dark Sumatra "Noche", it just seems to take my mind off of everything :thumbs:
Considering I've not been back to work since delving into this insanity we call a hobby, my answer is kinda null and void. If I had to choose, I'd say anything from Fuente. Probably a good ol Sungrown Chateau...
Whatever comes out the "surprise humi"! :D Something different every day, if I can help it.

If this is a small humi of unbanded smokes, I've been lookin to set somethinglikre that up.
as a bad day smoke usualy a one of a kinde in the humi.
Its been Tatuaje SW for me. The market's provided plenty of opportunities for shitty days at work for the last 18 months.
Nothing special. I find that my mood is usually affected enough to make what is usually an outstanding cigar seem...........Blehhh!

I agree - I rarely look for a good cigar to smoke on an unspectacular day; It's just the opposite. I like to enjoy good cigars on relatively happy occasions. However, this logic doesn't pertain to brew. :whistling:
Any smoke. At the end of a crappy day, I want to see my boy, and smoke a cigar. That makes any day seem a whole lot better.

Just damn glad to have one to smoke.
Lately for me it has been a Victor Sinclair Legacy Double Robusto and a Fosters. Im renting a house with no deck so its the front porch for me.
After a trying day, I will go for a Tatuaje Cojonu 2003.

Excellent choice. I am finding myself low on these and will be buying another box soon.

But my latest favorite for any occasion is the Panacea Red. Damn good smoke for pretty decent change.
Any old cheap(er) and reliable blend. I don't smoke expensive special cigars when I'm in a crappy mood.

Padrón 2000, Oliva 'O' or a Quintero Brevas.
Bad day for me would for sure be a more expensive cigar :thumbs:
Cause dammit I deserve it!!!!!!
Any old cheap(er) and reliable blend. I don't smoke expensive special cigars when I'm in a crappy mood.

Padrón 2000, Oliva 'O' or a Quintero Brevas.
Good answer. Excellent cigars are meant to punctuate a memorable event. There's nothing I want to remember about a crappy day.
