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What is the absolute minimum relative humidity you would allow?

FireFighter 227

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
What is the lowest relative humidity you would allow your cigars to sit in a humidor? Let's assume you had problems keeping up the RH. When you would decide to move them to another storage device while you sort out your humidor issues?

Also, should one worry if their new humidor is experiencing drops into the low to mid 60's?

Thanks, I will pass that on. I had a discussion with a friend of mine and he mentioned he cannot get his humidor above 65%, it generally runs in the low 60's. Although they feel and look fine, he was concerned that they may be drying out.
Low to mid 60s will not hurt the cigars, in fact there are some people that prefer this and keep their humidors at 62%-65%. I keep mine at 65%-68% or thereabouts. Drying out is not a concern at 65%, but the RH does have an effect on flavor, so whether your friend needs to change anything just depends what he likes. I, personally, would not be worried about it and just keep the humidor at 65%.
Anywhere from 61 to 69 is fine by me, and as mentioned, I think the variation has effects on flavors of certain cigars. Some cigars like Graycliff I prefer a higher humidity like 68, and some isom's seem better at 63. FWIW.

Yup, me too. I do not find my smokes to be bitter or flat at this percent. But I will find out over time if this has a negitive effect. As of right now, they are doing just fine at 60%.