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What do you travel with


Impeached Staff Member
Dec 9, 2011
I know the first thing you'll think is what cigar stuff do you travel with since this is CP, but I am more curious what else you travel with. I was telling CJ (Wkoti) today that my 4 year old son asked me to sleep with my stuffed dog last night (my wife and him also have matching ones). Normally my wife and I travel with them because he feels "with us" even though we are apart. Last night I slept the best I have in YEARS, not to say it was the dog but I am not ruling it out.

With all that said does anyone else have things they travel with to stay "connected" to home. Also in case you were going to ask I don't feel unmanly posting this, especially after TP posted those pictures of himself last year.
That's a great question. After thinking about it, I don't have anything "special" that I travel with. But, I also don't really travel without the family anymore.

My 5 year old boys will make sure they have their blankets, and pillow pets if they go somewhere for the night (like grandma and grandpa's house).

If I were to travel without them for more than a night away, I would probably bring something of theirs like a stuffed animal.
I always take my pillow. My shoulders are messed up and different pillows can cause problems at night.
Nothing special here. Due to the amount of traveling I have done (I am in the Million mile club at United) I have become a minimalist. I can pack a week trip in 10 min in a small travel bag that fits in the overhead. I do however call my wife at least three times a day which is my connection.
I travel A LOT. I always bring anything with FaceTime on it...iPad, Laptop, etc...so I can chat with my wife and see her purdy face!

I also have a toiletry kit that I bring with all my 'man stuff'. Without it, I am lost.
Here's my list

1. I have two passports (US and UK), and if I'm travelling to the US, by law I'm required to use my US passport, otherwise they wont let me in. If I go anywhere else, I usually use my UK passport.

2. Toiletry bag (full of man stuff, but most importantly, a double edged razor. Rather than being bald, I shave my head, and I wont go anywhere without a decent razor).

3. iPad mini to communicate with, iPad with Retina Display to play with.

4. Cigars. If I'm travelling to anywhere other than the US, they're usually Cuban (although I think Cuban cigars are often over-rated)

5. My dog died just under a year ago. Both I and the veterinary surgeon thought he had arthritis, and the weather was very cold, so I went out and bought him a little doggy sweater. As it turned out, he had liver failure, kidney failure and a cancerous growth in his shoulder blade, none of which (amazingly) were discovered until the day before he died, which was about a week after I bought him the sweater. He was with me 17 years, I miss him a lot, so I take that little doggy sweater with me anytime I travel. Warped but true.

6. Cash, credit cards, travel insurance.

7. Anything else I can live without, or buy at Walmart :)
My kids usually pick something small for me to take with me. My son usually picks something like a baseball card or a pair of dice. My daughter usually draws some kind of picture for me. It's not the same one thing every time but I like having the stuff from my kids and I think that they like knowing that they have sent me away with something.
My 5 year old has "Blankie Bear". It's a little kids-size mink blanket that my wife picked up last time she was in Saudi Arabia before we had our youngest. Our daughter has had it since the day she was born, and it travels EVERYWHERE with her, including down the hallway, into the living room, into the bedroom, into the car to school every day... Amazingly, this thing still pretty much looks and feels like it's brand new. Her security blanket is pretty much part of the family.

When I was on the road when I was still in the Air Force, I'd take a stuffed turtle with me everywhere I went. Long story, but my oldest daughter (who was still around 5 years old at the time) ended up with two "replacements" for her favorite stuffed animal (Turtle). The OG Turtle showed back up after it had been lost and replacements issued, so she would always make me pack Fred, the #1 replacement turtle. Not that I minded taking that part of home with me. Fred also doubled as a pillow when need-be.
My family and I travel like Zsa Zsa Gabor.

If it is a family trip, We bring our twin pugs for my five year old son so he doesn't get homesick. He loves books so we bring plenty to read to him.

If I travel for work, I bring the lap top for work and skype, my wifes cell phone (we share) and a photo album with about 50 of my favorite family pictures. I get terribly home sick for my wife and son. I also bring twice the clothing that I think I will need becuase I have had hotel irons spew mineral deposits on my work clothing. I also got stuck due to weather once and ran out of under garments. That won't ever happen again. I also have to take important medications and I bring the entire bottles worth in my carry on. If the law permits, I also bring a Glock 23 with six magazines of semi jacketed hollow points if I am not flying.

I always bring 8-5-8 maduros because they are damn near indestructible.
Last time when i travel to a place outside USA. I do not remember the exact name of the hotel where i stayed during that period. They provided me all VIP Services But i remember the only awkward thing that happened to me at that hotel..was...i slept with my dog because those hotels were not dog friendly. And I regret why didn't i confirmed this before booking.
I travel A LOT. I always bring anything with FaceTime on it...iPad, Laptop, etc...so I can chat with my wife and see her purdy face!

I also have a toiletry kit that I bring with all my 'man stuff'. Without it, I am lost.

I have an old Orvis dop kit that I bought twenty years ago. It is beat to hell, but it goes everywhere.

Hahaha...I totally forgot about that.