Yesterday I smoked a Tatajue Cojonu 2006 belicoso. A brand new release, the box code was March 2006.
It started off extremely strong, quite spicy. I had not eaten anything since lunch and well it was almost too much. It did mellow out pretty quickly or maybe I just gutted it out

. The flavor profile was typical Tatajue, reminded me of the Bolivar Belicoso Finos I smoked the night before with more "kick".
The construction was impecable, nice almost rosado wrapper, smooth, silky.
There was a great volume of smoke that had a nice smell, spicy. There were 10 of us in this little shop smoking these things, you could hardly see across the room!
The burn was less than perfect, but that could be attributed to the fact that these cigars were fresh off the truck after a 5 day trip. Very firm nice grey ash.
I nubbed this sucker, it never got bitter as so many cigars tend to do towards the end.
On my scale I would call this a great cigar, say a 9.