What coffee did you drink today?

Well damn. What are you guys looking for, as a replacement? We’re looking for a quality coffee maker.
Sorry for the late response. Thus far we're happy just using our French press. Not as convenient as a drip machine, but makes a better cup of coffee. Plus I don't have to consider spending money on a nice machine when we already had the French press in the cupboard.
Finally got through reading this thread and man I need to get back into coffee more again. Makin my own cold brew currently from a large 1 gal maker we just got. I too use to get modern times beans. Pretty good but not worth the price IMO. Might hit up those killer beans you guys keep talking about and now I have to drive to SD to go to a bird rock B&M since I see they have several locations down there. Been wanting to try an aero press and pour over but I too don’t think I have the time to add but maybe one day