(Jim told me to do it !

Finally....some substance, and this is why I keep coming back. Threads like this, if read in its entirety, can really be beneficial. These are the types of threads that you can truly take something good away from, and ironically, it has nothing to do with a cigar.

The life lessons, experiences, jokes, reviews, friendships, fellowships, benefits, fundraisers, knowledge, PIF Bombs and the list goes on and on. Too much good comes from this community, and for that reason, I'll be sticking around.
That, and I like the fact that I really enjoy the gentle tone and politeness in
Doc's comments, or how
JHolmes comes out of left field when things are serious with a one-liner that makes you spit your coffee, and when
Rod chimes in like a concerned 'Alpha' looking after his wolf-pack to keep everyone on the straight and narrow , or how
insight is literally 'everywhere', and how
KidMontana is overseas serving our country - yet takes the time from his hellish schedule to send me a Frank Jr. (thanks again), or how
Aussie Shaun thinks he's safe by international waters, or be able to meet and share laughs w/
JoeB, ironpeddler thefatguy,MarkJr.,BBS, and many others @ an amazing HERF (thanks again
stogieman), etc . . . etc. . . etc. . .
It's a great community fellas. Everyone contributes in 'their' own way.
Like an amazing Mosaic - some are more polished and brighter than others, but without the dull and sharpe edges - it wouldn't work. Let that marinate.