What beer did you drink today?

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Poker night at the cigar shop on Saturday night, split these with a friend.  I bring the beer, he drinks it, and then knocks me out with a full boat.  Go figure!
mu mike said:
Poker night at the cigar shop on Saturday night, split these with a friend.  I bring the beer, he drinks it, and then knocks me out with a full boat.  Go figure!
No good deed goes unpunished.
Tall Paul said:
Yeah, I have 30 bottles.
Now I know why we can't find any....
Ohhh! Bishop's Finger! I bet little to none of you can say you've drunk this before

ilikefishes said:
It will be out this October. I have some for you guys. I have bottles back to '07.

I had this waiting for me when I got home today.


Thanks John.
Woah! Cold already?!
Paul, you found it. It is in my basement.

John, you are right, I have never even heard of it. The beer showed up cold.
so yesterday went to a NY brewery night at this spot by work called Harlem Public (if you are in NY or close check it out). They were having Bronx Brewery, Ommegang brewery, and Blue Point brewery night along with NY whiskeys. 
Drank -
Blue Point Toxic Sludge
Blue Point White IPA
Ommegang Adoration
Ommegang Game of Thrones
and got lucky and got two tickets to Blue Point Cask Ales Festival
Nugget Nectar!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Mr. Fields for being awesome and sending some my way!!!
Last night was Moylan's Double IPA, followed by a Speakeasy Prohibition Ale.
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