What beer did you drink today?

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Heretic Evil Twin (red ale, quite hoppy with a strong malt backbone. Very good)
Avery Maharaja (excellent as always)
Stone Sublimely Self Righteous (quite good)
Stone Imperial Russian Stout '11 (a tad smokier and more bitter than I remember)


2 half pints of Cismontane Black's Dawn coffee stout (quite good. Very smooth. Almost a tad too smooth. Would have liked it to smack me in the chops a bit.)
Port Mongo (good DIPA. Pretty damn hoppy)
Ballast Point Sea Monster (for a 10% imp stout, this beer doesn't hide it much. Good amount of heat, with some malt sweetness, and subtle bitter cocoa, bitter dark roast coffee, and slight hop finish)
At a friends tasting recently:

Buckeye Brewing '76 DIPA
Bootleggers Knuckle Sandwich DIPA
Alpine Duet
Kern Just Outstanding IPA
Deschutes Jubel 2010
Bootleggers Black Phoenix Chile Beer
DFH Theobroma
FW Parabola 2011
Mikkeler Beer Geek Brunch Weasel
New Belgium LOF Le Terroir
Bruery Tart of Darkness

Enjoyed the Beer Geek Brunch with a delicious La Gloria Cubana Medaille d'Or No.2....one of my favorite smokes.

We were all in agreeance that the Parabola or the Weasel were the best of the night, hands down. On the other hand, DFH Theobroma we were all severely disappointed in. Not bad....but nothing like what we expected/wanted this beer to be. No chocolate/cocoa notes, light yellow color beer, only reminiscent of the honey its brewed with....only slightly though. You really had to search out the flavors. Meh.
Been really enjoying the Lagunitas Little Sumpin Wild. Glad it is in 12oz. bottles this year. The Boulevard/Deschutes Collaboration beer is pretty fantastic as well. Lots of citrus, very refreshing. Wish we could get the Deschutes version. Deschutes is coming to KC later this summer along with Green Flash. Something to look forward to.
Milk Stout, Boulder Colorado
Racer 5, Bear Republic Brewery, California
Edited because I was mistaken.
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At a friends tasting recently:

Buckeye Brewing '76 DIPA
Bootleggers Knuckle Sandwich DIPA
Alpine Duet
Kern Just Outstanding IPA
Deschutes Jubel 2010
Bootleggers Black Phoenix Chile Beer
DFH Theobroma
FW Parabola 2011
Mikkeler Beer Geek Brunch Weasel
New Belgium LOF Le Terroir
Bruery Tart of Darkness

Enjoyed the Beer Geek Brunch with a delicious La Gloria Cubana Medaille d'Or No.2....one of my favorite smokes.

We were all in agreeance that the Parabola or the Weasel were the best of the night, hands down. On the other hand, DFH Theobroma we were all severely disappointed in. Not bad....but nothing like what we expected/wanted this beer to be. No chocolate/cocoa notes, light yellow color beer, only reminiscent of the honey its brewed with....only slightly though. You really had to search out the flavors. Meh.
That about sums up my experience with Theobroma as well. Was expecting something darker and more full bodied with hints of cocoa and roasted chiles but what I tasted was honey sweet, slightly bitter in a base kind of way, and fairly disappointing.

By the way, it's "agreement", not "agreeance". Sorry, I had to. :laugh:

Oh, and Beer Geek Brunch Weasel = :love:

Been really enjoying the Lagunitas Little Sumpin Wild. Glad it is in 12oz. bottles this year. The Boulevard/Deschutes Collaboration beer is pretty fantastic as well. Lots of citrus, very refreshing. Wish we could get the Deschutes version. Deschutes is coming to KC later this summer along with Green Flash. Something to look forward to.
I'm starting to think that Green Flash Double Stout is one of the best imperial stouts that is available year round. I rank it right next to KRBC Class V.
Outside in the back enjoying a work of art natural with a glass of cigar city big sound...wow, lots of flavor! This doesn't taste like any scotch ale I've had before ... I say its a bit vinous taste in the background.

Well worth a try if you can get it.
Black Tuesday

Chico > :thumbs:

You drank a Black Tuesday by yourself? That is something I have been trying to talk myself into but I can never imagine putting away a 750ml bottle of a 20% stout...

I have trouble with 10% beers in the 750ml format...
Ohhh you can do it. Just pace yourself. I drank Parabola by myself in under and hour and I had been drinking homebrew before that. I'm sure you can get through BT in a few hours without issue.
LOL I've had Parabola, Abacus, BCS Bombers, Mother of all Storms, Abyss, Hunahpu's and all sorts of other 11%+ beers in large formats. Most of the time I have no problem but I'm usually pretty buzzed by the last sip. Hunahpu's killed me though. Took me 3 hours to drink that thing and it wasn't because of the ABV...it was so damn thick and the flavors were huge.

I could probably get through a BT but it would either take 3-4 hours or I'd be completely gone like this:
Lagunitas Lucky 13.alt (pretty darn good. Clear light honey copper color with a nice malty sweet and flowery hop aroma and flavor)
Haha, the fact that BT comes in 750's has always puzzled me. As much as I really wanted to hate it because of the hype....I couldn't. Damn you Patrick Rue!
After reading Emos beer list I was intrigued by the coconut porter. Now I'm not an experienced beer drinker so this was the first porter I have tried. I must say it was pretty good. But I believe it's an acquired taste. I guess where I failed was not eating breakfast, instead I read the thread and immediately drove to bevmo. Needless to say I was quickly in a buzz I had to buy a 4 pack so I have a few more to try and make my final decision.
After reading Emos beer list I was intrigued by the coconut porter. Now I'm not an experienced beer drinker so this was the first porter I have tried. I must say it was pretty good. But I believe it's an acquired taste. I guess where I failed was not eating breakfast, instead I read the thread and immediately drove to bevmo. Needless to say I was quickly in a buzz I had to buy a 4 pack so I have a few more to try and make my final decision.
While I like the CoCoNut Porter a lot, it's not a beer I would suggest to someone for their first porter, much less who isn't a beer drinker. Besides the fact that it's pretty damn expensive. With any porter, you're gonna get the roasty overtones of dark malts, cocoa, and coffee without it being the viscous and chewy sludge of an imperial stout. If you want to explore more, you might try Sierra Nevada Porter. If you really dig the sweetness and full flavor you might try Deschutes Black Butte (one of my favs) which, for my tastes, is exactly what a porter should be.

On the other hand, if you like the darker beer styles but the flavors are a little too heavy for you, perhaps try a brown ale, heck, even New Castle is pretty dark good. If it's all too much and you want to explore beers that have a more bitter and floral component and a bit lighter body (not to be confused with flavor) try any pale ale (Sierra Nevada), or perhaps an India pale ale (I suggest Firestone Union Jack).

GD chocolate oak aged yeti. Loving this. Pretty damn complex. The first sip alone had about 3-4 waves/transitions. The label said they used some cayenne in this and I'm definitely starting to feel a warming sensation down my throat that is lasting longer than just the alcohol heat would.
What did you think of it? It was my first time trying it. For me it was a good beer but nothing exceptional. Mild sweet and buttery floral that midway through gave a hint of tartness and then settled into salty, bittering hops in the finish. Now, GF Double Stout...that's a whole 'nother story!
At Moylans in Marin County enjoying some bangers and mash with a glass of kilt lifter on cask....mmmmmm!

Last night, had Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB) Survival Stout. A seven-grain oatmeal stout, finished with, according to Beer Advocate: "15 pounds of cold-pressed Stumptown 'Hairbender' espresso." Interesting yet delicious.
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