Surge Protector IPA
It started off as the brainchild of a LI beer blogger and photographer, and got fast tracked when Sandy hit. The original plan was to get a bunch of LI breweries to to collab on a beer, take a bunch of pics, write about it, etc. Then Sandy wiped out my favorite brewery (that I've mentioned here a bunch of times), Barrier Brewing. They decided to hurry up and make the beer. Eight LI breweries all brought ingredients to one brewery and they brewed this IPA. Half the proceeds go to Barrier to get back up and running, the other half goes to Long Island Cares, a local food bank.
The IPA is good. A lot of nice caramel balanced nicely with some citrusy hops. I took a late lunch on Wednesday to make sure I got the first growler fill of it at Barrier. Only ~2000 bottles. and a handful of kegs scattered all around the island and the 5 boros. If you see it, drink it. You won't be disappointed. I need to get more.
More info, pics, and a couple videos: