(512) Whiskey Barrel Aged Double Pecan Porter(Hell yeah!)
Holy crap, that sounds awesome!!
Look who I found on BA rating this beer....our own GregSVT
4.25/5 rDev
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4.5
750ml bottle into a tulip - 2011 Vintage (kept in my fridge the whole time to avoid infection)
A: Pours very dark brown with a huge dark brown head that slowly fades to a ring and leaves a lot of lacing on the glass. Honestly it's a bit overcarbonated.
S: The nose had nice notes of vanilla, cocoa, chocolate, and a touch of molasses.
T: The taste is very smooth. I get vanilla, chocolate, slight molasses, and a touch of fudge. Everything has melded well over time.
M: The feel is slightly on the thinner of medium with carbonation the whole way through. As it settles the carbonation settles but it started very bubbly.
O: Age has toned this down and brought out more vanilla than a fresh bottle. Even though it's a bit overcarbonated that didn't detract from the overall enjoyment. We drank this next to a fresh bottle and the fresh one was overcarbonated as well and had more coffee and roasty flavors. I prefered the aged version.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 05-19-2012 02:25:13
id: 1800496