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What beer did you drink today?

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Surly Furious and Founders Breakfast Stout. I'm thinking it might be time to break from stouts for a while. I still love them for the most part, but for some reason the last couple have been unfulfilling. Maybe I need to find something else besides IPA's to drink in the summer time, and save the stouts for the colder months.

Any suggestions for good summer time beer (and I'm not a big pilsner fan)?

Have you ever had a Saison? Do you like sour things?

Try some Ambers. Great Lakes has a good Amber (Eliot Ness), Flying Dog has a good one. See if your favorite breweries are putting one out.

Ambers make me want to throw up in my mouth a little...

That's currently how I feel about wheat beers.

I feel that way about most wheats also. You should try the Weihestephaner hefeweizen if you haven't. If you don't like that you can give up on wheat beers.
Stone 14th Anniversary Emperial IPA - pretty damn good IPA.
Had the last bottle of DFH 60 min tonight....meh. Picked up some new brews to try this weekend with our very own souldoggy dogg....Black Flag Imperial Stout, Tricerihops IPA, and Rogue Brutal IPA. Looking forward to the weekend of beer tasting!
Went out for an early birthday celebration last night and had the following:

Real Ale Lost Gold IPA
(512) Anniversary Ale
Maredsous 8
Tonight I drank a New Belgium Abbey, and a Left Hand Smoke Jumper smoked porter. Smoke Jumper was excellent.
Having a bomber of Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout while chillin' in the hotel room! Good schnit.
Went to the Alamo last night to watch The Expendables. Pretty kick ass movie!

Had a few Bell's Two Hearted Ale's ................. This time last year I would never have thought I'd like anything other than my stouts, but you guys have enlightened me. Guess I'm a hop head after all. :)
Good old fashioned pint of Guinness from our squadron bar after my checkride today. I love my job.
Widmer Deadlift Imperial IPA. I'm not a huge fan of Widmer's line, but this is a great beer. Glad it's available all year.
Having a Blue Moon right now (no orange). Later on tonight might crack open a six-pack of London Pride, great beer with a cigar :thumbs:
Got a good deal on a keg of Dogfishead 60min IPA...having several of them tonight.

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