What beer did you drink today? 2013

Smokin'Sims said:
Working on some Terrapin Wake-n-Bake. Might hit some of the SS beers in a bit.
Was doing the very same thing as I read your post James.
Sucks hot the shelves yesterday.
jfields said:
Working on some Terrapin Wake-n-Bake. Might hit some of the SS beers in a bit.
Sucks hot the shelves yesterday.
Yep, picked up a case last night!  Love this stuff.
So far tonight-
Boulevard Saison-Brett 2012
Boulevard Bourbon Barrel Quad 2013
Boulevard Imperial Stout 2013
Pretty good so far...
Ayinger Celebrator - brewed and bottled in Aying, Germ.
A little Terrapin Wake N Bake Coffee Oatmeal Imperial Stout. I need to get more!
Try a Stella next time you want something light and refreshing. Good, without all the guilt.
Happy to see the love for Wake N Bake!  Great stuff. 
Tonight's beer is a Bell's Expedition.
Tonight at the Outlaw with Matt, Brent, and Bryce:

Boulevard Saison-Brett 2012
Boulevard Bourbon Barrel Quad 2013
Boulevard Imperial Stout 2013
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
Mothers Winter Grind Coffee Stout
mjolnir01 said:
Happy to see the love for Wake N Bake!  Great stuff. 
I just went out to buy a case to stick in the cellar. Going to have a few more tonight.
It's a Black and Tan with Famous Daves Barbecue for breakfast day at Fed Ex Field.
Hello old friend!

I had this at the cigar shop the other night:
2012 Goose Island BCBS Cherry Rye... if you see it, buy it and enjoy it. Delicious!