Some new stuff, so I figured I'd update.
A basic Hefe with SN Kellerweis yeast. I completely underpitched this, but 48 hours later it's going nuts. At least I learned for the La Chouffe and Houblon Chouffe clones I want to harvest yeast for.
Blind Pig clone...mmm...hops...
I'll let you know how they turn out in a few weeks.
Just figured I'd put in some updates.
My SN Kellerweis hefe was infected. Apparently I wasn't completely clean on either the batch or growing the yeast and the complete underpitch were recipes for disaster! Anywho, that's bottled till who knows when. It tastes like lemons.
So that became my berliner weisse and my BW grains went towards making another Hefe with washed WB-06 (that stuff is $4 a pack now, so I'm definitely washing it.)
My Bling Pig clone is fantastic!
My La Chouffe culture did not work out well. I think that I used way too much wort and the yeast lost to competition. However, I was able to culture a bottle of Duvel easily, so that will be a nice and equivalent substitute more of less. I will pitch my La Chouffe with the washed yeast from this batch if all turns out well.
I started brewing a sour ale with local peaches that my mom had left over from a peach cobbler. Just racked on top of the peaches and put in the dregs of a Cuvee Rene, so we'll see if she gets thoroughly infected.
Pumpkin beer got brewed yesterday. No pumpkin, just pumpkin spices in the last minute.
Maharajah clone is on deck...6 oz's of dry hops for 3.5 gallon batch :0 .
Right now I'm weighing cost/benefit of removing trub from primary or just cold crashing. I think I get much more beer by just cold crashing, but I tried a combo of both as I have not had good luck whirlpooling!