Borrowing a buddies plate chiller to see how it works on my system and decide if I want to buy one. Will be testing it out on a saison using some yeast I cultured out of a De Ranke bottle.

Are you using a chiller of any type right now, or are you just going the ice bath route? I built this thing a while ago, and it works outstanding, but I want to build a pre-chiller for it to immerse in ice water:
I actually have an immersion and a counter flow chiller. ???
They both work ok, but I just got a pump and I really want to be able to whirlpool with it. The CFC restricts it too much and I can't get a whirlpool. I still need to try the whirlpool along with the immersion chiller, but my buddy can go from boiling to pitching temps in 4 minutes with his plate chiller. :0
Wow, not bad at all. I'll let you know how the pre-chiller and immersion works out. I get really good cold breaks right now as is (my tap water is really cold), so I get down to pitching temps in about 10 minutes or less. I figure with a pre-chiller I should be in the 6 minute range, which is perfect for the cost. I get a pretty good whirlpool with the immersion, but I have no doubt that a plate chiller would work better.
Forgot to mention a different buddy has a pre-chiller for his immersion, and it works great. Do you just whirlpool by stirring?
Ok, I'm getting one!