What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2022

I remember the can, but don't remember this controversy. However, even as a hormone-addled teenager, I don't think I would have deduced "SEX" from that stack 'o cans. That's kind of a reach, even for religious zealots.
Nothing is a reach for zealots and Sex can be deduced from anything.
Found a box of Casa Cuba Doble Seis. If anyone has Casa Cuba divine inspiration would you consider trading for some of these?

Also got some La Aroma De Cuba, and found a local shop with boxes of the Pappy Van Winkle Cigars. Never had one, will be interested to see if it's flavored or if it's still a real cigar. 20220311_151827.jpg20220311_133103.jpg
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Found a box of Casa Cuba Doble Seis. If anyone has Casa Cuba divine inspiration would you consider trading for some of these?

Also got some La Aroma De Cuba, and found a local shop with boxes of the Pappy Van Winkle Cigars. Never had one, will be interested to see if it's flavored or if it's still a real cigar. View attachment 53172View attachment 53173
PVW Seeger’s are good. Not always worth the money they ask for them though. They’re def worth trying once though.

Floyd T