For an EDC, I like both. The weight in the hand and just overall ergonomics of Camillus, combined with some personal achievements over the years, will always have me a Cam fan.
From gutting a trout, to processing the bulk of a 10 pt buck, it's always been there for me. My first knife was gifted to me by my Cub Scout Cubmaster after, oddly enough, getting my marksman badge at camp in Oconomowoc, WI (every other letter's an 'O'!) in 1985. It was a Camillus and I literally carried it everywhere and slept with it under my pillow.
So I may be a little biased. I was devastated when I lost it in my early teens. I think the new ones are now made in China.. but I haven't bought a new blade of any type for probably 5+ years now.
I don't know if Benchmade makes a better product these days, but I've known they're right up there and I've no complaints with the few I still have.