What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2022

That's a damn good question. The coke thing is an idea and definitely a departure from using a hooker's ass, I just worry any baking soda may harm the finish.

Dimensions weren't listed in the auction, way bigger than I thought. I was actually refilling a nylon with beads and keep that spoon in the bag o' beads. It worked good for showing scale.

I'll figure out something to do with it and am open to ideas.
Well either way it's a nice piece, it would certainly make a nice drink tray. Put a nice whiskey decanter on it with matching glasses.
Yes these are really good. But finding the deals are a must. You can save 60-70% if you look.
If anyone wants a deal on them I typically catch CI offering a deal during their new deals all day on the Joe cigar page. 57$/10 pack of 6x54 was the last deal I saw. I can message anyone that wants them the next time I notice them on sale.
Are they that good? I mean 12 packs of 5! You went deep.

Definitely good for not being CC Cohiba. Not that I put much stock in msrp, especially when a lot goes to the macassar wood they use for the box, but they're all $20+/ea normally. These were less than a third of that.. and like Michael said, they do that every now and then so I figured it was my chance to stock up.

It is a lot, I'd let a couple fivers go for what I paid if anyone is really curious. I'll tuck the bulk of them away and see what that does too! 👍