YES! That’s exactly what I mean. I also have a bottle of Crown Royal that has about a inch left in it from the 1950’s. It has a totally different label on it.
As the story goes, as told by my older brother to me, my uncle gave it to my father as a gift in 1960 & told him to save it for something special. My Dad was strictly a 7&7 drinker & the bottle sat until 1976 when my dad (whose health was failing) told the story to my brother & passed it on to him. It laid on his top shelf of his liquor cabinet out of everyone’s sight. 10 years ago, about a month before my brother passed (we knew he did not have long to live), while I was visiting him, he took the bottle down handed it to me & told me the story & said to do what I thought was best with it. I offered to open it & have a drink with him, but he declined. Since then, I have tucked it away in the back of my liquor cabinet & have really not thought about it. I have drank several bottles of Crown during this time but have not even considered cracking open this bottle.
When my wife gave me the glasses & cigars, she also brought out the bottle & said maybe it’s time you share this with the family. We shall see!