What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2019

Well Juan, I think your comment is funny, and sarcastic, I hope. Otherwise you are creating uncertainty and doubt about the provenance of said cigars with star in the date code.

I truly would like to know, and have done numerous searches on here and the web, and found nothing. Is it a cabinet thing?

Edit to add, here are my findings so far, seems to be consistent from Cody, from RAE 14:

Box codes with asterisks:
Cab of Portages Shorts: RAE JUL * 14
Cab of BBF (Bolivar Belicosos Finos) RAE SEP * 14. - Spanish or Portuguese on the box
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Well Juan, I think your comment is funny, and sarcastic, I hope. Otherwise you are creating uncertainty and doubt about the provenance of said cigars with star in the date code.

I truly would like to know, and have done numerous searches on here and the web, and found nothing. Is it a cabinet thing?

Edit to add, here are my findings so far, seems to be consistent from Cody, from RAE 14:

Box codes with asterisks:
Cab of Portages Shorts: RAE JUL * 14
Cab of BBF (Bolivar Belicosos Finos) RAE SEP * 14. - Spanish or Portuguese on the box

I thought the same thing when I got my first few boxes with the stars on the date code... After smoking a few cigars from each box, I had no doubt about it’s authenticity, and chalked it up to Cuba being Cuba... just like the boxes I have with no box codes, and boxes with cigars with only half having labels, and other faux pas...
Well Juan, I think your comment is funny, and sarcastic, I hope. Otherwise you are creating uncertainty and doubt about the provenance of said cigars with star in the date code.

I truly would like to know, and have done numerous searches on here and the web, and found nothing. Is it a cabinet thing?

Edit to add, here are my findings so far, seems to be consistent from Cody, from RAE 14:

Box codes with asterisks:
Cab of Portages Shorts: RAE JUL * 14
Cab of BBF (Bolivar Belicosos Finos) RAE SEP * 14. - Spanish or Portuguese on the box
I’m glad you found the humor in it!
I have not had one yet!

Do tell when you finally smoke it. I'm a fan of all three Undercrown offerings (the sun grown, especially), and I very much appreciate much of the rest of DE's "traditional" lines that I've experienced. I fear that the PVW moniker is more for novelty than legitimacy. I'd like to be wrong. Hope I am.
I think these will have to wait until this conversation is conveniently erased from my mind :( :rolleyes: