Ok so the weather today looks nice until I see the wind mapping. Being it’s in a box I’m not that worried about the wind, but I really don’t want to deal with it.
However, I somehow missed a lot of information in this thread. I know what happened with your pork butt. It’s the cold smoke thing. If you can not use that, I wouldn’t. Get the temp to 225-235,put the butt in and smoke till you wrap, but see if you can push past the stall a little bit next time. Spritz it every 1.5 hrs with Apple juice/water mix.
Get one with a decent fat cap and put that side up. You really don’t need to score it. I did it with mine this time, but I didn’t see any benefit to doing so.
The issue isn’t the total time spent on the smoker, but that cold smoke part is not helping you break down the meat and make it tender. Now these new fancy pellet deals I don’t know much about but when I hear “cold smoking” I’m thinking of cheeses.
As for the bone, I’ve done both with as without. Only difference is trying to get the probe in without hitting the bone which would give inaccurate temps. I prefer the bone because when I go to remove it, I know if it’s really got to the point I want it to be. The best ones the bone comes out perfectly clean.
But I’m telling you, that cold smoke cycle is what did it. I don’t have any cold smoke cycle and it still took 8-9 hours, so by starting at 225 you are not going to save much time.