What’s in your pipe today? 2020

I really enjoyed it. It was my first pipe tobacco of the winter and really made me look forward to my next one (probably tonight)

Awesome. I threw it together on a whim whenever they ran that program, and I think with a stroke of luck it came out really good.
I've looked at some blends with deer tongue a few times but have always passed them up. Whats the flavor like?
Think like vanilla and honey, but not vanilla and honey 🤣🤣 It’s very unique. When I was smoking it and trying to think of how to describe it, I kept thinking “festive”. Maybe if you behave yourself, Santa will bring you some for Christmas.
Hello from Greece, i am smoking 4noggins Alamosa in a Corn Cob, double espresso beside me. Hoping that this video will make your mood better:

Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for watching, keep on pipe smoking
and coffee

Is it specifically smoking in a public place? Or is it just being in a public place at all? Are you essentially mandated to stay in your house?

You have to send a special sms before going out and wear a mask otherwise you have a fine. There is no excuse ''i am going out to sit and drink a coffee and smoke" that's why what i am doing is illegal. You can go for example: shopping or to a doctor or for car-repair etc but you have to inform the ''system'' via sms or have a sighned statement with you if your are going to work. The Cafe are closed and no tables-chairs are not allowed, only the ''take-away" and return to your house. No party at home and no public gatherings.