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Wells Banana Bread Beer Experiment

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
So there has been a lot of talk about drinking a craft beer (not Coors Light) at the proper temperature. A lot of guys have pointed out to me that I may be drinking all my craft beers at the wrong temperature. I have a very large commercial fridge in my basement that is controlled off of liquid temp and keeps all the drinks at a crisp 34F.

Rod posted today and mentioned doing an experiment with a Wells Banana Bread Beer which I happen to have in the fridge (thanks Dave). After a long day I sat down before dinner to the Wells. I did my tasting at 3 different stages of the beer taking a 2-3 sips during each tasting till I got a good read on the flavors I was tasting.

First tasting

Beer Temperature: 38.6F
Room Temperature: 69.7F


The beer at this point tastes like a normal ale with a slight banana flavor mixed in and on the after taste there is a faint cinnamon flavor on the tong. Not really much to say at tis point.

Second tasting

Beer Temperature: 52.6F
Room Temperature: 69.7F


Now at this point the beer really poops with the banana flavor and the ale flavor has really dropped out and is very faint. The cinnamon flavor is really distinct with every sip and is very pleasant. The after taste has got a nutty type of flavor there that I can’t really pinpoint that left the roof of my mouth a little dry.

Final Tasting

Beer Temperature: 63.1F
Room Temperature: 71.9F


In the final tasting the banana flavor has stayed strong with every sip and is very distinct. There is now a fruity flavor that is poking thru to my taste buds. The cinnamon has dropped down and is not a distinct then the last tasting and the nutty after taste is still there but the slight dry mouth has gone away.

A final thought for me would be that I am very surprised at the changes that I noticed in the flavor profile of the beer with the 3 different temperatures. Thanks everyone for the pointers on all the beer info. I will still be keeping my beer in the fridge at 34F (got to keep the Coors as cold as the Rockies …) :laugh: however I will be pulling the craft beer out a good 10 minutes before I drink it from now on.

Now I need to hit my local store for some more Ten Fidy I can’t wait to see what I missed with that beer drinking it so cold. :thumbs:

Nice job Paul ! Very interesting. These beers are one of my "go to" beers at my B&M! People are always asking "what are you drinking?" when I roll up with a cooler of eight of those bad boys. Them and the Choc. Stouts...
They are delicious in every way. It also helps that I love Banana bread :rolleyes:
Now do your beer tasting with Coors and see how it holds up at a higher temp. :)
Glad the experiment was successful Paul. Great post. Just like food, when you eat it cold you lose flavor. When you heat up pizza, Chili, whatever, the flavors pop out. Banana Bread Ale is a great beer for this experiment, as once it warms up you can really experience the flavors as they were intended.

Like backslide said, post a review of drinking Coors at the same temperatures. ;)

By the way 63F is a bit too warm for my taste. I usually drink premium beer at around 53F. Sometimes the bottle will tell you what temperature to drink it at...
Nice job Paul ! Very interesting. These beers are one of my "go to" beers at my B&M! People are always asking "what are you drinking?" when I roll up with a cooler of eight of those bad boys. Them and the Choc. Stouts...
They are delicious in every way. It also helps that I love Banana bread :rolleyes:

Not a bad beer but not one I could see myself buing as I am not a Banana bread fan.

Now do your beer tasting with Coors and see how it holds up at a higher temp. :)

If you drink beer like Coors Light and have had a couple on a nice hot sunny afternoon you have done this already by the time you get thru it the beer is piss warm... Beer like Coors Light needs to be Ice cold!

Glad the experiment was successful Paul. Great post. Just like food, when you eat it cold you lose flavor. When you heat up pizza, Chili, whatever, the flavors pop out. Banana Bread Ale is a great beer for this experiment, as once it warms up you can really experience the flavors as they were intended.

Like backslide said, post a review of drinking Coors at the same temperatures. ;)

By the way 63F is a bit too warm for my taste. I usually drink premium beer at around 53F. Sometimes the bottle will tell you what temperature to drink it at...

You are right on the 63F being to warm. The beer seemed to loose some flavor at that warm. I checked the bottle and there was no recommended temp. A few other guys said they let it get to room temp on some beers so I wanted to let it get close for the last tasting to see what happens.50F ish was perfect and the beer had the most flavor at that point.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
Banana bread beer ! WoW !

We have a lot of craft brew and small brewies here but never ever saw a beer like that....Now I have to get to a B&M so he can order some.
Well well, your up early ! (or did not have the chance to sleep yet !)

Paul I forgot to add but very nice experiment you had there !
Nice job Paul ! Very interesting. These beers are one of my "go to" beers at my B&M! People are always asking "what are you drinking?" when I roll up with a cooler of eight of those bad boys. Them and the Choc. Stouts...
They are delicious in every way. It also helps that I love Banana bread :rolleyes:

Austen have you had a Ten Fidy? If you like the thickness of a choc. stouts then you will love this!
Nice job Paul ! Very interesting. These beers are one of my "go to" beers at my B&M! People are always asking "what are you drinking?" when I roll up with a cooler of eight of those bad boys. Them and the Choc. Stouts...
They are delicious in every way. It also helps that I love Banana bread :rolleyes:

Austen have you had a Ten Fidy? If you like the thickness of a choc. stouts then you will love this!

I have not but will deff. keep an eye out for them for sure... maybe I will hit up the Bevie today and pick up a mixer?
Paul when you say Wells Banana bread beer you mnea Wells nears hampton beach or I am pulling rabits out of my ass?
Wells & Young out of the UK.

Nice experiment!

I usually age/store my beer upright, but move certain things to the wine cooler to store them before drinking. The temp is at a near constant 49 degrees. I keep ales at the bottom where it is a bit cooler and Stouts at the top where it is a bit warmer.

I just pull a beer of choice out and it's ready to drink other than letting it breathe for a few minutes.

Another great flavor enhancer is finding a glass with laser etching at the bottom. Don't know the exact science, but my palate can tell the difference.

The only beer I drink really cold is Shock Top.... When I want something cold and refreshing. :p
I read this and the other comments from Rod, had to get some, so I picked some up today at the liquor store next to the house.