weight loss contest

Ok, time for fatken and grateful1 to man up and post their stats / goals :)

We still only have 5 playas :(

I'll give up a nice 5'r to the next 5 folks that enter (and send their sticks to Erick)

i'm kinda surprised the offer of a 5'r to the next 5 entrys didn't get any action, thought most folks would do damn near anything for free cigars :laugh: :whistling:
Guys this a great Idea for the people that feel that they need to get in better shape.
I would jump at the chance to get in on this contest, but to be truthful, I can not afford the the entry. But, I understand the need to make the stakes so high, otherwise there is nothing at risk.

I currently need to get back into serious shape, being deployed for a year really set me back, and now I am about 12 pounds over weight and 6% over my body fat, and to boot, don't think that I could run the 2 mile event in the time alloted.

My wife is on weight watchers, and so by default, I am too. I think the key to my goal is portion and snack control. I get in 3-4 days of cardio a week, and other than that just do Push-up / sit-ups around the house every other day. I have lost about 3 pounds this week, and think that was just the easy pounds. I am at 5'5" @ 172#. Looking to get to 160 again.

I will continue to to follow this thread and offer any help and encouragement that I can, as well as post notes on my progress if that is ok.

Let me say again that I think this is a great idea, and good luck and better health to all.

OK - I'll be eating whatever the g/f says (hmmm, this could be more fun than I thought!)....and I will get to the gym to do some exercises 3-4 times a week - weights and cardio. In a couple weeks I'll probably even get back to playing Wally-Ball at work.

I don't know what other pesifics to put in..but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Also - the entry will head out on Friday....when does this start anyhoooo?
Hmmm ... I have been lazy over the last four months and added 10 - 12 pounds. If we can decide on the actual rules and a start date I will probably play.


6'2" 227 lbs. ( as of this morning )
Tim, I have you covered on the entry fee, I insist.

Seth, no way to set specific rules, too much variance in contestants, so Erick will judge. Don't be skeert...

Let's start this bad boy a week from today, sign up deadline is Monday, must have a dc# posted by end of monday.
I have been gorging myself for the past several years packing on the pounds to either win "The Biggest Loser" or crush some unsuspecting foes. You guys are on. Last check with my scale:

33 years old, 226 lbs, 33%, Capricorn, enjoys long walks on the beach (is that enough info?)

My fighting weight from 4 years ago was 180 lbs. I haven't done shiznit for exercise in a long while. I have recently started hitting the gym a bit, but will go hard this summer. I plan on using a combination of bulemia, horse steriods, bloodletting to hit my goal weigh. For 60 days I'm guessing that dropping 12-15 pounds would be it. Who gets the pictures? We are to include a frontal, side, moneyshot and "full fruit bowl" picture?
to add a little more structure to this, I will write up a few guidelines that I will be judging this on.

Actually, at the end of this we might even be able to add a poll to let our home audience voice up, a peoples choice if you will, ahhahaqha
I just wanted to stop by and say this is a great idea for a contest. Not only will someone win some great sticks, but a lot of people will be much healthier. Dave has given some really good advice here, especially the information about cardio (HIIT before breakfast is the only cardio to use for weight loss; I avoid cardio following weights, as it impedes muscle building - the body gets confused about whether it needs to grow or shrink) and building muscle (compound freeweight exercises are your friend - check out this thread for an awesome and very simple novice weight training workout).

For gaining functional strength, building overall muscle, and improving coordination, isolated exercises (e.g. bicep curls, tricep kickbacks) and especially machines are damn near worthless. They are far too specialized, and are not very effective for the novice weightlifter. Believe me, I know, I spent a long time using them before I started doing my research. Stick to freeweights, and stick to the "main" lifts for the first few weeks. Add in additional exercises sparingly, and one at a time, after you've gotten used to the workout. And most importantly, your #1 goal with this routine is to add weight every day. If you can't finish your sets, it's OK to leave the weight the same the next time, as long as you get more reps in. But don't add reps beyond the sets. Add weight instead. This keeps your body growing. The more muscle you grow, the more fat you'll lose; even if your overall weight doesn't change very much, your body fat percentage will drop and your lean body mass will rise.

As for nutrition, eat five or six smaller meals per day to keep your metabolism in high gear. In addition to the obvious stuff you want to stick to around two servings of fruit per day, one for breakfast and one immediately following your workout. Fruit's simple sugars are easily converted to fat. For your carbs, eat mostly complex sources (whole grain, oatmeal, rye bread, sweet potatoes/yams, brown rice). Eat lots of veggies - try for five servings per day. They don't have that much in the way of carbs, and they are amazingly good for you.

DO NOT cut fat out from your diet. Your body needs fat. Just change the fat you get. Stick to "good" fats - extra virgin olive oil (you can still fry - or saute, rather - food), fish oil (supplements or eating fatty fish such as salmon), flaxseed oil or flax meal (not whole flax seeds, you can't digest them), one or two egg yolks per day, nuts, one or two servings (of 6-8 oz.) of red meat (90% lean - no fast food burgers).

Figure out the calories you need, and break them down between carbs, protein and fat. Men probably should not drop below 1800 calories per day, and women 1400. Lower than that and your body will think it's starving, your metabolism will plummet, you'll be tired all the time, you'll lose muscle, your immune system will practically shut down, and you'll be damn sorry. ;) Alternatively, figure out your maintenance level of calories and cut out about 15-20%. For your nutrient balances, you should probably be between 40/40/20 (carbs/protein/fat) and 60/30/10 at the extremes. 50/35/15 is a good all-around balance. One gram of protein or carbs has 4 calories, one gram of fat has 9. Get a sheet of paper and a calculator and figure out how you need to eat. It is much easier to stick to if you write it down. And I know that when you get done you will think the number of fat grams is too high. It's not. You really do need to get that much fat in your diet.

Best of luck to everyone taking part!

Edit: spelling and arithmetic
Did this contest start yet. If not I would like to goin. I don't like doctors though. Could i use weight watcheres as my offical weigh in? I havent been to the doctors since i got stabed. Well gust wondering if i could get in this
Did this contest start yet. If not I would like to goin. I don't like doctors though. Could i use weight watcheres as my offical weigh in? I havent been to the doctors since i got stabed. Well gust wondering if i could get in this

Read post #66... you should be fine to get in on it. Good luck guys & girls. :)
I'm in Frank. I've needed the motivation to do this for a while, just been too lazy. Here are my stats (went to the Doc yesterday) and I'll fill out the rest later today when I get home.

Height 6'1
Weight 242
BMI 31.9 %
>> Seth, no way to set specific rules, too much variance in contestants, so Erick will judge. Don't be skeert...<<

I ain't skeert, I'm in!

BMI isn't a good idea, unless none of you have ever worked out before.
Yes, BMI sucks. When I am at 8% body fat it says I am almost obese

Ok, we have:


Sasquatchmo, please no nude pics posted, even though the word is you naked will make even the most tiniest hung man will feel like a Beast :laugh:

Damn Jonesy, Squatchmo, and Seth waited for me to offer a 5'r before signing up, dirty sneaky bastids ;) But, a deal is a deal, 1 5'r for the 1st 5 people, that's 1 per person, right? :laugh:
JetDr's sticks arrived today! hahaha, that was on hell of a packing job bro!!

I think I may have to keep a running tally of the smokes that are up for grabs and post it...little added incentive!
I hoped to be on the road by now, but since I managed to get a cold or some such I have a few extra days on my hands... So color me in.
6' 3", 289 (when did I get so fat? :D) pounds this morning (before breakfast, after the AM piss). 36.1% BF according to Gary's calculator.

Honestly I'd like to see why criteria exactly is being judged, even if it is subjective, and a defined and agreed on list of what information is needed from the contestants and when.

Sticks will go out Friday.