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Wedding cigar box suggestions


"Contest Master"
Nov 10, 2007
I did some searching on the forums, and only came up with a few threads related to this issue.

Long story short, I'm the best man in a wedding on May 30th. The groom is a cigar smoker, not incredibly serious, but knows his leaf. Many of the gents attending are also casual smokers. What do you suggest? I'm thinking something higher class than Padron x000 but don't intend on handing out Opus either. ISOMs are also fine. Just looking for suggestions. Cost really isn't an issue. Looking for a box of 20/24/25.

What do you think would be tactful and enjoyed by the masses?

Oliva V
Padron like you suggested
Ashton regular lines
Alec Bradley Tempus
Maybe get a box to appease the masses (858 perhaps?) then a couple of individual smokes for you and the groom to enjoy separately. That's what my best man did when I got married. The individual smokes he got for us were also from the year I met my wife, which was a nice little touch.
Fuente 858 maduro (or SG if you can find them).
HdM Excaliburs.
AF Hemi Signatures.
A couple higher-end samplers like San Cristobal and Ashton,
then people have a choice.
RyJ is a standard for special occasions.
What's wrong with Padrons?

Chemyst :cool:
I was thinking Monte 2 or some Hemingways, but RASS is a great idea.

Thanks for the input everyone!
Depending on what you wanted to spend per guy, that 5th Anni. GOF set with lighter from Stephen (Lighters Direct) in the BST would be a sweet gift . . . if he's got enough left after all of us pulled the trigger. :whistling:

Killer cigars and a sweet lighter in a nice box. Hard to beat.

Padron 3000 or so for the casual smokers,... something nicer for the groom.

That's exactly what I did for the bachelor party I provided for a few weeks ago. That way when the casual smokers smoke for 10 minutes and put it down, it isn't a great loss.
Get a box of Monte #2's, they can be had for under $200 right now.

edit: just saw your post....great minds huh? :laugh:
PSD4 or RASS. Each is the perfect wedding party choice, in my opinion.

- They're both damn fine cigars in their own right.
- The CC bands are sooooo impressive to the CC inexperienced.
- Partagas is a famous brand. Ramon Allones not so much, but its band is my favorite CC design (appearances count to the inexperienced).
- The robusto is a great vitola for the setting. Many inexperienced cigar smokers prefer a thick ring gauge. The relatively short length won't keep anyone away from the festivities for too long. Plus, that short length will help prevent what's even worse (and far more common): pitching the cigars long before they're finished.
- Neither cigar will break the bank.

FWIW, I like the BRC as well. But, much like with Ramon Allones, it's not a well known marca to the inexperienced. So, while it will still have the CC wow factor, it's likely to be considered an inferior CC brand 'cause it's not as famous as Partagas. Like I typed before, at least the RASS has a nifty looking band. That blurry image of Simon Bolivar looks like a 3rd grader's miniature watercolor painting.

The real deal would be a CoRo. Yep, the famed Cohiba - in robusto size. That's the most WOW factor you could get. But I personally hate to drop that much scratch on handing out cigars to guys who can only appreciate the fame of its band.
I was thinking Monte 2 or some Hemingways, but RASS is a great idea.

Thanks for the input everyone!

WOAM boxes are still relatively easy to find, and Cohiba 5 Maddies aren't ever a bad choice. :thumbs:
I'm in the same boat...gonna be in a wedding in September. I'm going with the Cohiba Siglo II's. It's small enough to avoid the 'chuck n waste' but still enough cigar. More importantly, it's not as overpowering as the Boli's or PSD4's. The inexperienced won't be as prone to toss it due to it's strength. And as others have said: Cohiba=wow factor. JMO.

I had the same issue recently and decided on Padron 1964 Principe's.

Main reason was I wanted a nice smoke that could be enjoyed by all. Also at most weddings that have cigars on hand the casual smoker will not sit down and enjoy a nice hour plus long smoke, the ladies would kill us. SO I figured a nice 30-40 minute reprive in would work out best. Gotta say it was a huge success all enjoyed the smokes and the timing was pretty good as well.

my 2 cents go with a smaller gauge, less waste and more people partook because the cigar was less intimidating.

Either way can't go wrong with the RASS and PLPC's or Principe's.