
Look at it as an ounce of prevention! Next year you'll be ready for the harsh weather.

I put one in a month ago and love it. You'll not regret getting it.

Floyd T
Hopefully a sign that spring is coming soon. Sick of winter and they are pretty mild here compared to Michigan where I grew up.
Unfortunately my screen shot of this week's weather keeps failing, but it will be in the high 40's to mid 50's the next 2 weeks here in Buffalo, Wyoming.
Hopefully a sign that spring is not far off.
Hopefully a sign that spring is coming soon. Sick of winter and they are pretty mild here compared to Michigan where I grew up.
Unfortunately my screen shot of this week's weather keeps failing, but it will be in the high 40's to mid 50's the next 2 weeks here in Buffalo, Wyoming.
Hopefully a sign that spring is not far off.
You shut your mouth! 😂
Holy chit mon! 52 and sunny in northeast Ohio?

Northeast Ohio has less sunshine than anywhere in the USA. There is an old military arsenal (The Ravenna Arsenal) which was built here in the 40's because the government wanted a place in the US where spy planes could not see what they were doing. This area was chosen because it has the most cloud cover.


Weather Channel says 75-90+ knot gusts. I'm not sure what a knot is in Budweisers-Per-Eagle, but I do know that the trees are all sideways when I look outside the bedroom window. I think I'll stay inside today...
It was in the mid 60's Tuesday and Wednesday and I got to play golf!
How's it going in the SE with all the rain and the NE with snow??? Everyone stay safe...
Here in the Twin Cities we experienced a 110 degree change in temperature ( - 25 to + 85) from the last week of February to Easter Sunday, 2021.

Move here & you will discover what weather is really all about. 🤣
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