WARNING: Do not trust your digital hygro.

Tony Bones

Feb 4, 2004
I'm sure all of you FOGs know this, but I figured I would post for the less educated (such as myself).

Don't assume your digital hygrometer is accurate just because it is digital.

Just did the salt test on mine and it was off by 4%. Yikes! I know this is not enough to kill your cigars, but it goes to prove that technology isn't always accurate.
I've got 4 hygros.
Three are digital and one analog....all are off + or - 3 to 5%.
Damn aren't there any out there that are on the point?
Not that we should rely solely on them but it would be nice to open up your humi and see the hygro constantly at 65%....gives you a good feeling inside. :D
All you have to do is read the spec's....... digital hygrometer in the reasonable $ range have a +/- of 5%. Not uncommon to have one out of that range. Its been talked about over and over here that you can buy two of the identical hygrometers and they will most likely read different but according to their spec range they are correct. Also keep in mind that the spec charts are usually made for using the hygro in the middle rages (40-60%) and as you extend outside of those ranges accuracy become less stable.

Always test your hygro. If its not reasonably accurate, take it back and get another. Eventially you will get one that will work close enough to specs to be usable and possibly one that is "spot on". :thumbs: As you progress with your cigar habit you will be able to "feel" your cigars and will rely less on the hygro.

As for getting a hygrometer that is spot on out of the box ...... lets just say you won't pay the price. ;) You can pay $2-$400 on a good model and still only have a +/- accuracy of 1.5%. I have not found one in that price range with better accuracy specs than that.
vewyphishy said:
Or maybe you did the salt test wrong. :p
No, I'm pretty sure I did it right.

I put the salt in a soda bottle lid, put a few drops of water in it, and then put it in my butt for 12 hrs. When I looked in my butt the hygrometer said 71% at 97.8 degrees (I always run a little cold).
Tony Bones said:
vewyphishy said:
Or maybe you did the salt test wrong. :p
No, I'm pretty sure I did it right.

I put the salt in a soda bottle lid, put a few drops of water in it, and then put it in my butt for 12 hrs. When I looked in my butt the hygrometer said 71% at 97.8 degrees (I always run a little cold).
:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
gkpk said:
LMAO......No wonder it's off Tony.
:sign: :sign:
What? Am I doing something wrong here guys? I seem to be getting a lot of laughter.

Vewphishy, is there something wrong with my method of testing?
Tony Bones said:
gkpk said:
LMAO......No wonder it's off Tony.
:sign: :sign:
What? Am I doing something wrong here guys? I seem to be getting a lot of laughter.

Vewphishy, is there something wrong with my method of testing?
No worries Tony, I sent ya something to put up your ass that'll solve all of your problems! ;)
The digital hygro. I picked up at the shop a few months back is dead on. At least I think it is. I use 65% climmax beads and the hygro. always reads 65%. Of course if I've been opening the humi alot it drops to 63 or 64% temporarily.

It's the El Salvador?

I don't think mine is a freak either because if I'm not mistaken Ric has the same one and gets similar results.
I have two in each. One high (tested) and one low (tested) Then I adjust the humidity so that 65% - 70% is in the middle. I also use Oasis in all mine. Love them.
I got that trick from the manager of Famous Cigars in PA.