Your post is a bit confusing. You asked for a newbie pass and then to gain experience hosting and managing...
Are you looking for a lower cigar quality/ newbie pass to gain experience with participation and have someone else run it?
Are you looking to run the pass yourself and gain experience hosting (with an experienced mentor)?
Hey Jake...great question...When I posted that, I had been very gung-ho to jump in and try to host one, with a VERY small, limited group of participants. That desire led me to inquire privately to a few FOGS I'd seen in then-recent posts. The basic consensus was join one first, learn HOW to host one, then pull the trigger. After reading some more and calming my impulses a little, I posted the above. I guess the not so simple answer is I'm looking for both? I'll wait for another newbie pass, of course, but wouldn't mind trying my hand (with pre-acknowledged stumble potential) hosting one. My goal would be for a half-dozen of us or so to do a pass around about a half-dozen sticks or so, learn the up and downsides and myriad details, and keep it short and quick just to get some air under our wings. If a FOG
(are you perchance volunteering?!) wanted to be the official host, that would be great. I'd love to be a sort of "second" with the goal of learning to host. If not, and I'm not in a giant hurry here, I'd do it with a good FOG in the background to help me keep the vector straight. I'm a fan of the KISS principle...I wouldn't want any long-lasting hurt feelings or bad vibes to come as a result of inevitable miscommunications or, worst case, the whole thing craters and we pick up the pieces. Seems simple, but the road to Hell, you know...
Anyway, long answer to a couple short questions. Did I answer you with what you were looking for?