Want to get a smoker

The Masterbuilt Electric Smokehouse arrived yesterday. I pre-seasoned it last night. I smoked a pork shoulder today and OMG. It was fantastic. Beef ribs tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for the advice.
The Masterbuilt Electric Smokehouse arrived yesterday. I pre-seasoned it last night. I smoked a pork shoulder today and OMG. It was fantastic. Beef ribs tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for the advice.
You're welcome young padawan.
Sorry it took so long but here is a pic of the ribs i made and a brisket i made sunday.


I've used 3 smokers and the Weber Smoky Mountain is my favorite. I used a horizontal offset for about 3 years prior, and the difference is like night and day. Not so much in the food quality, but the ease of use is amazing. (Of course, the ultimate in easy is to go electric or propane).

Its expensive up front, but I think of it as the cheapest in the higher grade of smokers. The Green Egg, Komodo, Grill King, and the WSM I group together as the WSM is incredibly efficient, like the ceramics. I was *this* close to getting an egg, but went WSM instead. I have not regretted it.
Ive had my wsm almost a month and im addicted. I even smoked 3 measely chicken breasts the othe night. Much easier to turn the gas on but the taste doesnt compare. I usually do butts about 10 hours or so and have always gotten great results. Decided to go with avb's long smoke method and smoked a butt on for 20 hours. Holy cow!! Couldnt pick it up without falling apart.
How many times did you have to refuel the wsm for a 20 hour burn?
just once. My first load had some half burned coals from the night before so I used them up. I still got a 10 hour burn from that load. Im guessing I could have gotten a good 13 hrs with a full load of fresh coals. Had to fill the water pan once also.
just once. My first load had some half burned coals from the night before so I used them up. I still got a 10 hour burn from that load. Im guessing I could have gotten a good 13 hrs with a full load of fresh coals. Had to fill the water pan once also.

Ditto. I can get 14 hours on one load of charcoal, but that requires stirring the coals up a few times.
Any of your guys use the BBQGuru CyberQ II for the WSM? It's another $350 but it's set it and forget it peace of mind for the overnight smoke. CyberQ II
Any of your guys use the BBQGuru CyberQ II for the WSM? It's another $350 but it's set it and forget it peace of mind for the overnight smoke. CyberQ II

Not I, but I have done overnight cooks on the WSM without any problems.
Just thought I'd say Viking grills is having a contest to win one of their gravity smokers on facebook. I'll look for the link tomorrow. Time to go home now.
just once. My first load had some half burned coals from the night before so I used them up. I still got a 10 hour burn from that load. Im guessing I could have gotten a good 13 hrs with a full load of fresh coals. Had to fill the water pan once also.
Fourteen hours is about what I can get on a full fill cook with a few stirs. I bought a Brinkman charcoal pan and use that in place of the stock WSM waterpan on overnight cooks It seems to fit better that the stock pan and it holds almost 2 gallons of water. I usually go thru an entire overnight cook without having to refill the pan. If you run that pan dry you're burning too much fuel.
put a butt on at 9pm last night and still going strong at 9 am without touching it.....well I threw a couple of chunks of mesquite on for the neighbors to wake up to!
I also just got a WSM 18.5" smoker, and I love it! Like mentioned above, the ease of use/cleanup is so much easier on the WSM. I don't have all the racks to clean, I can just load it up, light it, then throw on the food. The temp stays steady and its a breeze to use. To clean the grates I let it heat up then use a brush to scrape em and bam it's done!

Congrats on your new smoker, have fun with it!
just once. My first load had some half burned coals from the night before so I used them up. I still got a 10 hour burn from that load. Im guessing I could have gotten a good 13 hrs with a full load of fresh coals. Had to fill the water pan once also.
Fourteen hours is about what I can get on a full fill cook with a few stirs. I bought a Brinkman charcoal pan and use that in place of the stock WSM waterpan on overnight cooks It seems to fit better that the stock pan and it holds almost 2 gallons of water. I usually go thru an entire overnight cook without having to refill the pan. If you run that pan dry you're burning too much fuel.

im using a 14" clay pot saucer in place of water. Works like a champ. Fits right on the water bowl edge. I just put layer of foil on top. When I'm done, ball up foil and toss.
Smoked some Venison Jerky the other day. Sweet teriyaki flavor. Its all gone now :blush: