OK, one more change of plans. You can choose your number from 0-9, so LeeBo, what num you want, you are 1 right now, but we can change it if you want. I am going going to keep 0, I like it, and emodx has chosen 7. This leaves 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 up for grabs
Remember, this will be based on the last digit of the Texas Pick 3 this Friday night. If we don't fill up, we can still make it go, but might not get a winner, that would suck.
If you guys want to go even if we aren't full, then if the last digit is an unused number we will use the first, then the 2nd if we have to. So let's say the pick 3 is 3-6-1, if one is empty, then whoever has 3 wins, if that one is empty then 6 wins. Yall let me know how you want to play the event if we don't have 10.
Come-On guys, let's fill it up!! ???