Virtual Herf Today (1-2-09).....!

Folks, that was big fun. My thanks to everyone who made it in, and to the guys that had things pop up, no worries - I'm sure we will do this again in a month or two. Glad to "host" and it was great hearing the voices of the friends I've made here at CP. Greg, great idea to jot down who is smoking and drinking what; I'll be better prepared next time. By my notes, the attendees (in the order they joined) were:

B.B.S. - Host

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Thanks again to everyone - :thumbs: - B.B.S.
Actually Tom you should probably remove my name from the list! I got dumped very early into it... like 5 minites or so? but it had nothing to do with the phone hookup, and everything to do with the fact that I lost all cell service for the night. No idea what happened, but I had no service at my house until this morning, and even now it it is much worse than usual. That's what I get for using the little local guy I guess... :( and I have no long distance with my house phone since I have unlimited cell calling nationwide. :angry:

It would have been fun to stay and chat tho...
You made it in, you're on the list, so deal with it... :laugh:

Next time I'll send along a dog food can and a loooooong string so you can join in....... :laugh:

Thanks for trying, Jimmy - it was fun and I hope you join in for the next one.

Cheers, bud - B.B.S.
I had a good time as well. Nice to talk cigars, booze, work, etc.

I also discovered that "Southern Belle" was not a phone company. (Melly)

I look forward to a chance to talk with you all again, and anybody else who can make it next time.

I'll respond to some pm's tonight, when I get get done with some chores and fun with the family.
Sorry I wasn't able to make it. I ended up going out to dinner, and simply forgot. I remembered once I got home, and it was too late. Let me know when you will be doing this again. Thanks Tom. Hope all of you had a good time and good conversation.

You said you were too late? :sign:

It went on for 3 hours. You could have joined at anytime.
It went on for 3 hours. You could have joined at anytime.
I think TheVitaleMob and Wavescrashing talked far longer than that.... :laugh:

Winner of MadMonk's Virtual Herf contest:
MadMonk generously offered to donate a 5-er to a randomly drawn virtual herf participant. The winner is.......:


Congrats to Lou and a thousand thanks to MadMonk for the prize...!!

Let's do this again in a couple of months.....I thought it was big fun.

Thanks again to everyone - B.B.S.
I just want pictures of Melly's piercing... That's hot! :love:

I kid I kid..... :p

I had a great time chatting with everyone, and we definitely need to do that again.
Holy crap.. Did I win? Did I win? :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks Dan for the very generous prize for this historic first virtual herf. Pretty cool, IMHO.

We certainly missed Israel and Charlie.

I am very envious of the west coast group and their wine herf. It sounded like they had a tremendous time last year.

Mike, the Monte #1 was VERY nice. Had about 3 years age on it. Quite a change from the Anejo No. 49 that I smoked first. Now that I think about it, both were from 2005. I think that you said that yours was from 2001.

I have to dig around in the humis and see if I have another Monte #1 for Tom.

Let's do this again :thumbs:
Thanks for the contest Monk. :thumbs:

Next Virtual Herf, I will need the battery charger plugged in. It could not make 3 hours.
Just got MadMonk's package. VERY NICE selection with a couple that I have not tried before. I am always interested in trying a new cigar; so, my thanks to Dan for this opportunity.Who knew that Xikar was making a cigar ??? I guess that I missed this release :blush: .

My thanks to Dan for his generosity.

Regards to All.... Lou
Outstanding. Thanks again to MadMonk for the prize and to everyone who participated...!!

Best Regards - B.B.S.