Really not much to seasoning a vino. If you have this particular one and you intend to use the drawer that came with it, I would say little to none as far as seasoning goes. I only say this because that drawer (at least the one I received) is either not spanish cedar or its spanish cedar that's been varnished over. I made my own out of real spanish cedar. Since the real stuff can act to soak up some of that humidity, I suppose some seasoning may be helpful, but even then I think its minimal at best. I spent more time trying to rid the unit of the plasticy smell than anything else. Once I was happy with that, I inserted the charged beads, and I think I left a small dish of distilled in it for about a day or so. Removed the dish, humidity and temp still good....inserted sticks. All done. The door on mine seems to seal very well, so very rarely do I have to do anything with respect to the beads.
I do suggest ditching that drawer and making a real one however.