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Viejo paso de los miembros

114 and Still Smoking / San Rafael man likely to be world's oldest
Christian Mortensen, who turns 115 August 16, may soon be named the world's oldest living person. Photo by Katy Raddatz, San Francisco Examiner


San Francisco Chronicle said:
Christian Mortensen, believed to be the oldest living human, was having trouble lighting his cigar yesterday, but he didn't reach the ripe old age of 114 by giving up.
Mortensen, who lives at the Aldersley Retirement Community in San Rafael, tried a cigar holder and numerous matches, but the damned thing wouldn't fire up. Then he tried something that had worked for him his entire life -- song.
``Yippy yi yo yo, yippy yi aye, yippy yi yippy yi yippy yi aye,'' he sang, and moments later he was blowing smoke.
The death of Jeanne Louise Calment at the age of 122 yesterday in France means Mortensen is the oldest documented person on earth, according to John Wilmoth, a demographer at the University of California at Berkeley. …
Here's a classic 'Mucha' Print (repro.):


Here's the link to more cigar posters/art.

BTW - the cigar art/ephemera/advertsing that is being pulled up by this contest....can be found at Ephemera Shows (and the like) all across the country. Just google 'ephemera' or Ephemra shows and maybe the state you are in ...and you should get a listing foir some shows.

The show I promote has over 150 vendors who all have some form of what is being presented. Let me know via PM if you'd like to know more....the stuff at these shows is great! PM Casasoho or smokelaw1 - they've both been to the show.
Now we've got a contest going. Some great stuff so far.

I'd like to thank those that have labeled their entries NSFW if nessessary. I would also like to ask to please keep your entries from "G" to "R" rated. I realize this may exclude Matt from being able to post anything. LOL :laugh:

I have asked my lovely bride to help me judge this and while you mofu's haven't posted anything that she hasn't seen before I don't believe she will be giving high marks for over the top shock photos. (but I might ;) )

Keep in mind that your entries need to be "Cigar" related. :thumbs:

So, the Cohiba shot is out then. With your wife judging this as well, you should probably just skip that one.

She's seen worse..... don't forget she married me. :laugh: Don't sweat your post.... we didn't set any boundaries prior.

OK, cool. I just don't want to offend the Mrs. :thumbs: