VERY nice VERY good Deal on Ebay

Where's the gallery and Kenny's fine piece of furniture when you need it?
That's a sweet looking humi ADS.
You have a similar-looking one you said?
Very nice :)
They also made my humi. You can see some old pictures of it here
WOW :0
Some of the boys in here have some nice pieces of furniture.
Mac daddy humidors.
One of my goals in life is to have one of those full of ISOM.
One day. :)
Yes mine is basically the same minus the glass doors (which I really dont care for anyway) and my back is thinner. Once I took recieved mine FedEx had run a fork through the back of my crate. So I took there money fixed it and changed out the humidification system from a Moist-n-Aire to a custom unit from Matt at Avallo humidors with four small humidifiers (one for each shelf except very top and very bottom) and four circulation fans. Now Sage at Petroglyph is making me a very cool housing for the controller.

Just got an email from Mike the owner of the company, he will be listing two or three more next week. My guess is the others will be more basic and half the cost. VERY VERY good deal

FYI, I have no interest in the company and get no kick back from the sale.

I think I was bidding on yours :p I like your mini doors on the bottom better than my pull out drawer but who knew when I got mine.
Thanks Matt,

If you are interested this company put some on ebay once in a while at prices between $1100-3000. Keep your eyes open if you are looking for a home unit this size.
Golly, and did I say Golly ads? That's a nice setup! Buying that would be grounds for divorce in my house! I do like Horse's style as well. Tough choice, but I am envious of both. :thumbs:
Bat_Chief said:
..I do like Horse's style as well..
Me? I'm a lowly fridgador owner thanks to the owner of the aformentioned furniture.. Allofus123 - Kenny.
Horse said:
Bat_Chief said:
..I do like Horse's style as well..
Me? I'm a lowly fridgador owner thanks to the owner of the aformentioned furniture.. Allofus123 - Kenny.

Well, then that makes two of us Horse. Yes, it is Allofus's humi that get's me all wet and gooey! :D
Most likely the reserve is $2100 or there abouts. He did the same when I bought mine, the reserve was just over double the starting bid.
Guess I got lucky on mine, it started at $199 and was no reserve, sold for $1200.
