Problems Today


Jan 5, 2008
OK, did anyone else try to use USPS click-n-ship today? I've been getting this error all day long:

We're sorry! We were unable to process your request. Please correct the error(s) indicated below:
The address you entered as the Return Address cannot be standardized. Please alter the address information or provide a new address.We are unable to find any available service options for this label, please review your label and try again.

Something screwy, I get the red asterisk by the zip code. Any address I use gives the same result. Very frustrating, I had 3 boxes that I wanted to get out today. I'll be very pissed if I actually have to go the post office tomorrow and fight the lines. :angry:

Anyone else or does USPS just hate me today? :sign:
If there is a space on either side of the zip you entered it will reject you.
Nah, it was a freakin' problem with the USPS site. I had the same thing happen. Had to actually GO to the PO to mail off stuff.
Same problem here. They promised to have it fixed by tomorrow. All of their online ordering was down.
Well at least it wasn't just me :laugh:

Where did you find out that they'll have it up by tomorrow? I couldn't find anything on their site and got pissed trying to navigate through their voice activated phone system. I hate those things!
There seemed to be no problem with delivery.
All my bills were in my mailbox when I got home.
I've been struggling with it for the past hour and it seems to be resolved now. Sheesh!

Edit to add: Spoke too soon. I got one label through the system, but it's hanging up again on the second one. ???
Had the same thing happen to me early last week. Refreshed and got the labels printed after two or three tries. It's annoying, but no more so that overpaying at the physical post office.

Which by the way seems to hire the most unintelligent people ever. Sorry to thread jack, but I had a package that I was sending out, cigars and an extra, that was really close to the 16oz Priority Mail limit before shipping goes up. So I took it to get it weighed, came in a 14.8 oz's, so the $4.75 I paid on-line has it covered. The lady looks at me and says, "that will be a nickle." Huh? Says I am 0.5 cents short. I try to explain to her that I printed it on-line and its paid for already..... I end up dropping it in the the Priority Mail slot, she refused to except it due to lack of Postage. DC # shows it out for delivery today, So it looks like I was right.
Had the same thing happen to me early last week. Refreshed and got the labels printed after two or three tries. It's annoying, but no more so that overpaying at the physical post office.

Which by the way seems to hire the most unintelligent people ever. Sorry to thread jack, but I had a package that I was sending out, cigars and an extra, that was really close to the 16oz Priority Mail limit before shipping goes up. So I took it to get it weighed, came in a 14.8 oz's, so the $4.75 I paid on-line has it covered. The lady looks at me and says, "that will be a nickle." Huh? Says I am 0.5 cents short. I try to explain to her that I printed it on-line and its paid for already..... I end up dropping it in the the Priority Mail slot, she refused to except it due to lack of Postage. DC # shows it out for delivery today, So it looks like I was right.

Yeah, it's kinda crazy that it cost five cents more when you take it to the PO versus putting it in your mail box.
So I took it to get it weighed, came in a 14.8 oz's, so the $4.75 I paid on-line has it covered. The lady looks at me and says, "that will be a nickle." Huh? Says I am 0.5 cents short. I try to explain to her that I printed it on-line and its paid for already..... I end up dropping it in the the Priority Mail slot, she refused to except it due to lack of Postage. DC # shows it out for delivery today, So it looks like I was right.

A lot of the postal workers don't know the price is different online vs. at a post office: $4.75 via printed ship-n-click, $4.80 if you pay at the post office. That's your nickel.
I did two Click & Ship labels this morning before 9:30 am and had no problems.
I had the same trouble. I had to drive to the post office and pay extra. :angry:
The latest:

USPS said:
This service is currently unavailable
This service is temporarily unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

Hopefully this means they're at least working on it now. I hope...
Had the same thing happen to me early last week. Refreshed and got the labels printed after two or three tries. It's annoying, but no more so that overpaying at the physical post office.

Which by the way seems to hire the most unintelligent people ever. Sorry to thread jack, but I had a package that I was sending out, cigars and an extra, that was really close to the 16oz Priority Mail limit before shipping goes up. So I took it to get it weighed, came in a 14.8 oz's, so the $4.75 I paid on-line has it covered. The lady looks at me and says, "that will be a nickle." Huh? Says I am 0.5 cents short. I try to explain to her that I printed it on-line and its paid for already..... I end up dropping it in the the Priority Mail slot, she refused to except it due to lack of Postage. DC # shows it out for delivery today, So it looks like I was right.

Yeah, it's kinda crazy that it cost five cents more when you take it to the PO versus putting it in your mail box.

That's absurd! My PO accepts my "click n ship" parcels all the time with no additional charge!
Ask for a supervisor and press the case. The person at the counter is wrong!
This happened to me awhile back. I tried to pay for a few labels online but it kept giving me the same rejection. Ended up just going to the PO. When I later checked my CC bill, they had charged the $4.75 11 different times without ever giving me a label. So when I contact Click-n-ship, they say the charges should just drop off my account - no problem. A week later, nothing. Then they have me send a bank statement showing the charges. That was 2 weeks ago I sent them my statement...still nothing. As if they don't get enough of my money already, they have to just take it. Kinda like me right now... :angry: :angry:


:vent over: