US Weather Todayo


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
This screen shot is accurate as of this moment. See what you think. Comments please.

Nice and cool here this morning, even wore a long sleeved shirt for my morning smoke.
Good morning America ( except Kann ). Todays weather current for 9/4/24. Most of the country is dry, mid south belt has rain activity and that mess in the SW is more rain in a large portion of Texas. Have a fine day.

so, what are the dots....I think we need a CP map function
Current National,weather for 9/5 with the country fairly dry and portions of rain in MS, AL, SC and TX. Hope you keep your powder dry and enjoy a good stick.

All I see is dots, not much weather. Are there supposed to be temps on this map?
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Good morning on 9/6 @ 0633 hrs. The country appears very free of precip so far today. @bfreebern , those dots are radar reporting stations which I removed today for an easy view. This is a new program, so I do not know yet about temps. I will look into that. If you have a specific request, ask me. I run over 10 radars, some with that ability. It is complex so I am still learning. Ok, todays map is almost totally dry and not much activity. 0702 I decided to run another site, with the attached results below. Well, there is a conundrum for you, will go back to the other owners and bring up this question. And finally a third site for Ben.

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Well, it's 9/7 and we are packed and ready for our trip from Boston, thru the St. Lawrence and then Quebec. 11 days of frolic for us old folks. Today I grabbed two radar the one being from NWS ( National,Weather Service ). Let's see whatcha got.
