Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

Thank you everyone.  Please continue the prayers as the news this morning is not good.  They are transferring him to another hospital for specialized care and are keeping him in an induced coma.
Wishing the best for him and his family.
Keeping him and his family in our thoughts. Thanks for the updates Sam.
More prayers sent your way Randy.
We are keeping you and your family in our thoughts.  
Sorry to hear about his course of events. We'll pray for a quick turn around.
Wow, this isn't good. He and I were just talking about health issues less than two weeks ago and everything seemed fine at the time. I'll certainly keep Randy and his family in my thoughts.
Randy, here's a prayer to enjoying another smoke with you at Casa Fuente. Hang in there buddy! Thanks for letting us know Stray!
Just came home from visiting him.  His surgery initially went well, but as they were finishing up, he had a severe allergic reaction to one of the drugs they gave him.  This then triggered all the complications of the past two days.  He'll remain in an induced coma for the next few days while a couple of machines (ECMO and CRRT) provide help with the vital organ functions.  He's getting the best possible care with at least one RN/nurse practitioner constantly monitoring him around the clock. During the hours I was visiting, there were at least 3 nurses monitoring him and all the equipment.  He's strong and he has a lot of people praying for him, so I'm very hopeful that our good friend will pull out of this.  Thank you all for all the prayers and support for him.  Please continue the prayers for him and his family.
Thanks Sam! He and his wife are lucky to have you as a friend. Will keep the thoughts and prayers coming.
Hang tough Randy...I'll be lighting a candle for you today to show you the way back to us! 
Hang in there brother! your at the home stretch! 
Im going to have a cigar for you right now brother. Everyone that has a chance light one up for Randy today, thoughts for him during the whole smoke.
Thanks for the updates.  Sending more positive vibes his way.
Wow I missed this, sorry to hear. I will keep Randy and his family in my thoughts and prayers.