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So Contrary and I, along with three others hit Kings Park Psychiatric Hospital
The place had a large police presence, so timing entries and such was difficult, thankfully some very active 12 y/o kids were a great distraction, and with the help of some strangers we gained access to the tunnel system.
That brought us to the powerplant, and main steam junction rooms. Here's some photos from that.

Jen's photos are here
More to come once I collect the links from our other accomplices.


All in all the visit was great, but there's better sites out there. The police presence is annoying, though the risk is only a 30$ ticket. There was alot of asbestos in the tunnels due to copper theft, I'd recommend staying out of the tunnels or get a p100 filter.

Yeah, it was worth a look-see, but KPPC has been basically trashed over the years. Graffiti everywhere, every window broken, place crawling with cops now. I'm glad we went, since it's one of the very famous sites here in the NYC area...but, I don't think I need to see any more of it. That said, I also took a return trip on the Long Island Railroad the next week (this last Saturday), so I have a couple extra pictures of one of Building 7 here. Before you ask, I believe the cigar I am smoking in the pictures is either a Rocky Patel Edge, or a CAO Mx2 -- it depends on which pic you're looking at. :cool:
Cool stuff, can't wait to read the thread through and post some thoughts about Omaha.

Here in OMaha, we have a whole underground of tunnels and chutes that were used to transport cattle to the various yards in So. Omaha. I haven't had a chance to see any but they are supposed to be very extensive, and smelly I would assume.
Thanks for bumping this, it really is fascinating. Rob, you mentioned Danvers in one of the original posts. That is the original Salem of the witchcraft trials fame isn't it? That would be pretty cool to do at night.
Solid as a rock, it's a static load, and a 15 foot drop to a cushy slope, so the 'what if's' were pretty slim.

That being said, it was a bomber anchor. I'd be happy to send you the design if you're curious! I'd say it could hold 250lbs with no strain to the system, the way it's setup distributes force between the components pretty well, the weak spot is the center ring, which is tested for 250 lbs direct force. Since this is diversionary force, it's less, tho I don't know how to do the math on it.

Any way ya look at it, 215 lb dudes were climbing on that fugger with no flex in the anchor, so that says something =)
That's hilarious. Build condos on a sight of an insane asylum that was built on a site that had witch trials. They're heeeerrrrreee. :laugh:
This guy sort of popularized the sport in Toronto, and is an icon. He lived a pretty awesome life, he has a wiki here:

Toronto's great for this kind of thing - partly because it's a dense urban area, so you can get to and from places without a huge amount of hassle; partly because of low crime rates in general; and partly because it's gone through several cycles of building and rebuilding since your team burned it down in 1813. :-)
Have done a bit of this urban spelunking myself. Some favorites have been abandoned/condemned mental institutions. Hit some of those in California, Florida, and also in some remote areas of Alabama. Old hospitals too. Great stuff, eerily so. Think there's one up in your neck of the woods by the name of Danvers Asylum, at least there used to be. Haven't really done this post 9/11 though. Also have hit some very old, very much forgotten graveyards in my time. Crazy places, most often in complete disarray and overgrowth, but worth the effort if you're into that.

Edited for typo...
There was this mental asylum in Connecticut somewhere and a friend and I explored it one day. The freakiest place though was the asylum cemetery out back. Rows and rows of simple headstones with nothing but numbers on them. Very creepy.


Yeah, the mental asylums have always been the freakiest places. Have found some that look like people just got up and left one day. Still have such things as wheelchairs in the middle of the hallway, clipboards here and there, supplies, wrist restraints and jackets in some rooms. Crazy places.

Speaking of mental asylums, now I'm going to have to go pop in my old Cramps dvd, Live at Napa State Mental Hospital. :laugh: Talk about crazy...such a concert would NEVER be allowed today, particularly by a band like The Cramps.

There was a place like this in Md. we used to go to. As you said it was very weird, just looked like they picked up one day and everyone left.
There was a place like this in Md. we used to go to. As you said it was very weird, just looked like they picked up one day and everyone left.

In alot of places they literally did. The funding was cut and that was it.

Alot of these places still have paperwork, supplies, machinery etc.

I suspect alot of the police presence is to keep 'scrapping' to a minimum...