Upstate NY Area Herf

smokem said:
Looks like we have some interest, so how about we start looking at some dates? Saratoga National seem to be the spot?
I'm good for just about anytime...Next!
Saratoga?...great idea.
We have to factor in a couple of things here. One is the QSH so those of us that would like to attend both can make it not scheduling them too close together. Two is the racing season..."The 2013 Saratoga Race Meeting begins on July 19th, 2013 and concludes on September 2nd, 2013."
I know that hotel rooms fill up during racing season and the rates go through the roof as well. That's a bit too far to make it a day trip from Southern Jersey...I would just have to figure out the logistics to make this happen on my end.
I would take a trek up for a stay over. Don't feel like making it a one day trip. I wouldn't mind playing the course either while up there. Herf one day golf the next day?
I'd be game for a herf in Saratoga.  Summer would work better than Spring given my son's LAX schedule.  Beautiful area up there.
So the track opens the 19th. QSH is, I believe, the 27th, both in July.
Track, Course, Town doesn't matter to me. I will say though, during track season Saratoga gets nuts! Parking for the track is not a problem. You pay, I think $5.00, and you can get a bus ride over to the  gate. I don't know what parking is like at the golf course.
Parking in town anytime, but winter, is hard. During track season it's knuckin futs!! For just this reason, I only go to the track once during race season.
Too bad the Herf wasn't tomorrow...ZZ Top is playing at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center at 10am! :laugh:
Saratoga can be a little infested during track season. With that said, I am
one of the people to hit the track when I can for the meet. Most people are at
the track and post time is 1:00 pm. Saratoga Nation may be "full" however;
there is always room for more if we hit it during track season.

I’d rather hit it in either May,June, as well as July to put something together. Tone can golf, Gary can
look up "real men" on the internet, Smokem can redo the $5.00 parking rules, Set -N-Stone and
Nashkicker can rekindle their bromance, the  thechenman can take in, on his
quest for the ultimate cigar experience,Slick300 can fire up one of his
favorites that he hides for days like this and Tall Paul can put on a cucumber
mask and recline in a chase lounge. I will just blame the bourbon.

I guess the question is, when in our timeline works?

For $5.00 a car load I'll park every body's car!
You may have to contact the police to get them back, but I'll park 'em :whistling:
Bayamos said:
I tried a while back to get some interest to met at Saratoga National outside. Many lookers, no takers.
Collar City will represent name a place and time, We are pretty much open. Slick300, you are always welcome
to the SAC. Clifton Park is 15 min away.
Yup ! Im in....
Slick300 said:
Yup, The Tuna is a member there. He's there pretty much daily when he's in town. Loves golf.
...and his late night, high money card games after hours with plenty of iced-tea.  :laugh:
That guy is a bear, and a hell of a guy to talk to. Too bad he left Dallas.  :(
Gonna be in Saratoga Memorial Day weekend.
Might have time for a smoke in between DMB shows.

rob300c said:
Gonna be in Saratoga Memorial Day weekend. Might have time for a smoke in between DMB shows. -Rob
Keep me posted Rob. If Im around, I would love to pop up to 'toga for a cigar...
Set-In-Stone said:
Gonna be in Saratoga Memorial Day weekend. Might have time for a smoke in between DMB shows. -Rob
Keep me posted Rob. If Im around, I would love to pop up to 'toga for a cigar...
This. Wouldn't mind making the trip to toga myself.
I would've said yes, but Kait found out I will be in FL that weekend.
That weekend is hard for me, they open the pool that weekend, which usually means I'll be a lizard in the sun :cool:
Keep us posted though, if things change, I could make the drive up.
ironpeddler said:
This could turn out to be very cool.
We just have to keep rallying the troops!
Rally we must!
Food for thought here. I was at Queensbury Cigar & Pipe today, which used to be Cup-O-Joe's. They have an incredible shop!
The lounge is a very good size, with a coffee bar, and a large outdoor patio. This would be a GREAT place to hold a herf.
Minutes from Lake George and the outlets if anyone wanted to bring their significant other.
Not far from Toga for those that would like to play a round of golf, with lots of hotel/motels for those wishing to stay over.
Also, parking is a non issue, their lot is huge!
Forgot to add: I spoke with the shop manager, Chris, he told me BYB is fine, just be cool and don't get stupid. He said he would be happy to help us set something up. Not sure what, but ideas are welcome.
I was thinking some kind of herf specials for CP herfers, or something along those lines.
There are also many places for food all over the area.
I, for one, would love to support a local B& just makes sense to me.
I am NOT affiliated with this shop in anyway, just so you all know I'm not making anything off this. It's just, IMHO, a great place. 
Okay, dates?
Do we want to do this pre Memorial day or post? If we do it at the shop I mentioned, month doesn't matter. 
Only thing we'd have to watch for is Americad(Huge bike rally in LG)is the first full week in June. Although, the folks are friendly, not hard a$$ bikers. It's also fun to watch the bikes rolling by...if your into bikes, I guess, which I am.