Upper Management and morale....


Got Ink ?
Mar 17, 2007
For those of you that aren't friends with me on Facebook, this is a post I made after my first day of work at CCBCC in Charlotte on Thursday. It gives you a peons insight of upper management.
"I started my job at Coca-Cola Bottling C.C. headquarters in Charlotte on Thursday (Coke MFG is headquartered in Atlanta). It was a nervous day because I didn't know anyone, the plant is absolutely huge, people everywhere, and I didn't know a thing about their lab. About 2 hours into my shift, a man walks up to me, asks if I'm Brian Jones, shakes my hand and introduces himself as Carlon Smith, the Charlotte Plant Manager, proceeds to ask how my day is going, shows me around a little and tells me he's glad I'm on his team and looks forward to good things from me and if I ever need anything, his door is always open. From that point on, I didn't wonder why people seemed happy doing their jobs or at least in a good mood for the most part. It's amazing what can be done for morale when management walks around and talks to the common folk and this is being done in one of the largest companies in the world. I worked for Clariant for 19 years and the majority of the last 13 Jim Covill was Plant Mgr. and never once did he ever walk up to me to shake my hand or even care who I was. No wonder morale was so much different there. So, in parting, thanks for not giving me that final handshake Jim, it was the best thing you've ever done for me".
I would click the "Like" button, but....
I've got a friend who works locally for Coke. He has been there a long time, is happy, and still proud to be part of their team. Good on you Brian.  :thumbs:
That's great, Brian. Acknowledgement, in any form is always great; in many forms, divine. I am middle management and even in my position, I have always made a point to acknowledge my employees or other folks who support us (admin, receptionist, etc.). It pays off in spades, and we all feel good in a much better atmosphere conducive to better communication, creativity, efficiency, and loyalty with folks consistently going the extra mile. Sounds like you landed squarely on your feet.
I've seen guys work 25 - 30 years at a place and barely clear the door before their key fobs no longer worked!!  Sad!
Good luck at Coke.
Floyd T.
That is great news Brian. I am really happy for you and yours.
Sounds as if the Plant Manager is a real professional.
I got out of college making more money pounding nails than putting on a tie so 30 years later as a Project Manager running the show I love to go out into the field and BS with the guys on site. I'll never forget where I started! Good for you Brian, I hope your happiness continues.
Brian, love the contrast nice that they don't seem to take people for granted at Coke
Thanks for sharing your insight Brian, I'm happy for you! Services marketing doesn't pertain to customers and vendors only, it also incorporates internal marketing techniques such as what you experienced, to help maintain and boost employee moral. Coke surely sees it's employees as their most important asset. I wish you long term success and happiness!<br /><br />Frank
That is awesome Brian! I have to admit that I was a bit nervous clicking on this when I saw who posted and what the title was.......
Happy to read the good news Brian and I hope that everything continuous to be a positive experience for you!
It's always great to be a part of a team where you are welcomed, valued, and sporeciated. Kick ass and take names! Enjoy the ride at Coke.
It sounds like your boss is using a technique known as Management By Walking Around.  Front-line employees are critical to the success of any organization and so much information is gleaned from getting to know people and building a rapport.  Working for a company that values its employees makes the experience all the more enjoyable.  Glad to hear things are going well for you!  
Thanks for sharing!  Glad it is going well. :)
Great to hear.
My brother (Brian as well, interestingly enough) works for CCE here in Prov. RI.  He's an account manager so he is on the road most of the time but he speaks equally as high of his boss.  Perhaps Coca-Cola focuses on hiring people who know the value of good personal relationships.  Either way, its good to hear you're doing well and if your experience is anything like my brother's, you'll be with the company for a while.