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Upgrading...once again!

Mine is this 48 qt coleman.


I like it a lot. It seals really nice and tight and I think I paid less then $20 ($15 I believe) for it from Dicks at the end of the summer a year ago.

I flopped open the lid and let it air out for a couple weeks and then started stuffing it.

Got maybe 1/2-3/4 lb of beads in it with an oust fan. Rock solid humidity control. So easy a caveman could do it.

I went to wal-mart last night, the 48qt doesnt snap shut...I didn't purchase it b/co of this reason, would you guys recommend a cooler that snaps shut?
It should close tightly. Look on the inside of the lid and see if there is a channel in the lid with a lip on the cooler. Should fit together like a tounge and groove.
I went to wal-mart last night, the 48qt doesnt snap shut...I didn't purchase it b/co of this reason, would you guys recommend a cooler that snaps shut?

I havent had a problem with mine. You might want to go through what they have and pick out one with the tightest fitting lid. I'm anal like that. Shouldnt be a biggy though.

Then just bring it home and wipe down the inside with some mild soap and leave the lid open for a few days to let the plastic give off its funk. After a few days close the lid and let it sit an hour or two then open and check for that new cooler smell. If still present leave lid open for a couple more days. Repeat until no smell. Leaving it open outside in the warm sun should accelerate this. I just left mine open for a week or two down in the den and forgot about it.

While at Wallyworld go the the hardware section and grab one of their cheap digital hygrometers. Salt test it and find out if its on or how far off. If off just right on the front how far off then you can just figure in your head. I like haveing an Oust fan, minus the scent wick, in mine to keep the air moving since I have beads and thats kind of a passive humidification thing. You might have to go to Target for that.

I got the 48qt cooler today! I went to target basically just to look over what they had, wasn't going to purchase anything if I couldn't find anything. Lucky for me, I brought my girl friend with me! I was about to leave the isle unhappy, but she called my attention to the exact cooler I wanted! GREAT sealing lid, went to pay for it expecting to pay about $21, but it rang up on sale for $15!!! I love when that happens :D. right now i'm letting the "cooler" smell get out....
Wow, its been almost a month since I started this thread, but I wanted to follow up on it. Last night I added 1/2lb of Viper's Heartfelt beads into my 48qt cooler and set it alone over night. This afternoon when I got back from class the cooler was at 70RH so I decided to start putting boxes in.

Right now the cooler is keeping a few boxes comfy: a CAO mega-sampler, a bundle of connies, a box of DT Corojos and lastly a box of Padron 2000 maddies. It's pretty obvious that I need to get crackin on my purchasing, but I think i'm off to a pretty good start! My next box will (hopefully) be a box of CAO MX2 Toros that i've been wanting to get for almost a year now lol. Hopefully with my new job Ill be able to get it in no time!
